Documentation for ATIS-Draft-03-00-79

Complex Type: WeatherInformation

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name WeatherInformation
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type ResponseGroup , Complex Type SubRoute
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
<head> Head </head> [0..1]
<location> lrms:LocationReference </location> [0..1]
Start Choice [0..1]
<altLoc> lrms:AdminAreaGroup </altLoc> [1]
<lat-long> LocationPoint </lat-long> [1]
End Choice
<elevationsAbove> lrms:Height </elevationsAbove> [0..1]
<elevationsBelow> lrms:Height </elevationsBelow> [0..1]
<isForecast> xs:boolean </isForecast> [0..1]
<coverageTime> ComplexTime </coverageTime> [0..1]
<forecastExpires> DateTimePair </forecastExpires> [0..1]
<tempSummary> itis:Temperature </tempSummary> [0..1]
<tempQualifers> itis:Qualifiers </tempQualifers> [0..1]
<highTemp> ntcip:EssMaxTemp </highTemp> [0..1]
<lowTemp> ntcip:EssMinTemp </lowTemp> [0..1]
<currTemp> ntcip:EssAirTemperature </currTemp> [0..1]
<conditions> itis:WeatherConditions </conditions> [0..1]
<sunriseTime> Time </sunriseTime> [0..1]
<sunsetTime> Time </sunsetTime> [0..1]
<skyConditions> Weather-SkyConditions </skyConditions> [0..1]
<cloudPercent> ntcip:EssCloudSituation </cloudPercent> [0..1]
<visibilityLevel> itis:VisibilityAndAirQuality </visibilityLevel> [0..1]
<visibilityQualifier> itis:Qualifiers </visibilityQualifier> [0..1]
<visibility> ntcip:EssVisibility </visibility> [0..1]
<windsType> itis:Winds </windsType> [0..1]
<windDirection> CompassDirection </windDirection> [0..1]
<windAngle> ntcip:EssAvgWindDirection </windAngle> [0..1]
<windSpeed> ntcip:EssAvgWindSpeed </windSpeed> [0..1]
<windGustSpeed> ntcip:EssAvgWindSpeed </windGustSpeed> [0..1]
<precipitationProbability> Percent </precipitationProbability> [0..1]
<precipitation> itis:Precipitation </precipitation> [0..1]
<humidity> ntcip:EssRelativeHumidity </humidity> [0..1]
<snowDepth> ntcip:EssRoadwaySnowDepth </snowDepth> [0..1]
<snowPack> ntcip:EssRoadwaySnowPackDepth </snowPack> [0..1]
<snowFall> ntcip:EssSnowfallAccumRate </snowFall> [0..1]
<snowOffRoad> ntcip:EssAdjacentSnowDepth </snowOffRoad> [0..1]
<iceThickness> ntcip:EssIceThickness </iceThickness> [0..1]
<blackIce> ntcip:EssSurfaceBlackIceSignal </blackIce> [0..1]
<freezePoint> ntcip:EssSurfaceFreezePoint </freezePoint> [0..1]
<rain24hrs> ntcip:EssPrecipitation24Hours </rain24hrs> [0..1]
<rain1hr> ntcip:EssPrecipitationOneHour </rain1hr> [0..1]
<rainRate> ntcip:EssPrecipRate </rainRate> [0..1]
<precipSituation> ntcip:EssPrecipSituation </precipSituation> [0..1]
<precipYesNo> ntcip:EssPrecipYesNo </precipYesNo> [0..1]
<waterDepth> ntcip:EssWaterDepth </waterDepth> [0..1]
<surfaceWaterDepth> ntcip:EssSurfaceWaterDepth </surfaceWaterDepth> [0..1]
<precipStart> DateTimePair </precipStart> [0..1]
<precipEnd> DateTimePair </precipEnd> [0..1]
<smogAlert> Pollution-SmogAlert </smogAlert> [0..1]
<airQualityIndex> Pollution-AirQualityIndex </airQualityIndex> [0..1]
<carbonMonoxide> ntcip:EssCO </carbonMonoxide> [0..1]
<carbonDioxide> ntcip:EssCO2 </carbonDioxide> [0..1]
<hydroCarbon> Pollution-HydroCarbon </hydroCarbon> [0..1]
<sulfurDioxide> ntcip:EssSO2 </sulfurDioxide> [0..1]
<nitricOxide> ntcip:EssNO </nitricOxide> [0..1]
<nitrousDioxide> ntcip:EssNO2 </nitrousDioxide> [0..1]
<particulate> ntcip:EssPM10 </particulate> [0..1]
<ozone> ntcip:EssO3 </ozone> [0..1]
<uvLevel> UVLevel </uvLevel> [0..1]
<airQuality> itis:VisibilityAndAirQuality </airQuality> [0..1]
<airQualifier> itis:Qualifiers </airQualifier> [0..1]
<levelofservice> tmdd:Link-level-of-service </levelofservice> [0..1]
<status> itis:Closures </status> [0..1]
<drivingRestrictions> itis:WinterDrivingRestrictions </drivingRestrictions> [0..1]
<drivingIndex> itis:WinterDrivingIndex </drivingIndex> [0..1]
<mediantype> tmdd:Link-median-type </mediantype> [0..1]
<mobileFriction> ntcip:EssMobileFriction </mobileFriction> [0..1]
<pavementConditions> itis:PavementConditions </pavementConditions> [0..3]
<pavementTemperature> ntcip:EssPavementTemperature </pavementTemperature> [0..1]
<surfaceTemperature> ntcip:EssSurfaceTemperature </surfaceTemperature> [0..1]
<surfaceSalinity> ntcip:EssSurfaceSalinity </surfaceSalinity> [0..1]
<pavementtype> tmdd:Link-pavement-type </pavementtype> [0..1]
<treatmentForm> ntcip:EssPaveTreatProductForm </treatmentForm> [0..1]
<treatmentType> ntcip:EssPaveTreatProductType </treatmentType> [0..1]
<treatmentAmount> ntcip:EssPaveTreatmentAmount </treatmentAmount> [0..1]
<treatmentWidth> ntcip:EssPaveTreatmentWidth </treatmentWidth> [0..1]
<pressure> ntcip:EssAtmosphericPressure </pressure> [0..1]
<solarRate> ntcip:EssSolarRadiation </solarRate> [0..1]
<dewPoint> ntcip:EssDewpointTemp </dewPoint> [0..1]
<other> ntcip:ESS-other </other> [0..1]
<furtherText> xs:string (length >= 1) </furtherText> [0..1]
<furtherData> URL-Link </furtherData> [0..1]
<tail> Tail </tail> [0..1]
<localWeatherInformation> local:WeatherInformation </localWeatherInformation> [0..1]
h518053861 h1843378481 h1047336 h-356011402 h-366201364 h-366201364 h-267722248 h1210973722 h-351644721 h-1854283954 h-826211240 h-606413242 h-693237558 h-1636431897 h518415570 h518415570 h337056027 h-997216695 h2132583797 h-1854283954 h-1300837870 h-1106214906 h-199380718 h1873183141 h-830571155 h-830571155 h50944032 h340131614 h738080415 h-493057295 h1835260248 h1171009147 h513424606 h-387034071 h-1984136479 h780244300 h1025313802 h-1615745177 h1337512903 h428870519 h-1480190719 h-1306127636 h-1708852871 h1210973722 h1210973722 h719887522 h1695079765 h-1122536628 h-438897050 h1941775445 h-438881674 h-1122536287 h-438886479 h-720521284 h-1122536284 h-270960290 h2132583797 h-1854283954 h774162614 h-2050472675 h-1745649756 h852955637 h-1466333361 h1630314684 h551251035 h1455208918 h-1000920697 h1963559192 h-224848229 h-1879228071 h-1878801457 h-1488258192 h526368686 h-1222644126 h450556608 h994451758 h-170489373 h882153789 h518407765 h1570687453
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="WeatherInformation">
<xs:element name="head" type=" Head " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="location" type=" lrms:LocationReference " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- location for which this applies -->
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="altLoc" type=" lrms:AdminAreaGroup "/>
<-- Simple named places -->
<xs:element name="lat-long" type=" LocationPoint "/>
<-- Point and raduis locations -->
<-- This may be used as an alt loc method -->
<xs:element name="elevationsAbove" type=" lrms:Height " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="elevationsBelow" type=" lrms:Height " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- remainder of message content is applied to elevations above or below these amounts if they are present -->
<xs:element name="isForecast" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:boolean "/>
<-- forecast or predicted period -->
<xs:element name="coverageTime" type=" ComplexTime " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="forecastExpires" type=" DateTimePair " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- temperatures -->
<xs:element name="tempSummary" type=" itis:Temperature " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="tempQualifers" type=" itis:Qualifiers " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="highTemp" type=" ntcip:EssMaxTemp " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in tenths of degrees C -->
<xs:element name="lowTemp" type=" ntcip:EssMinTemp " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in tenths of degrees C -->
<xs:element name="currTemp" type=" ntcip:EssAirTemperature " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in tenths of degrees C sky, wind, and sun conditions -->
<xs:element name="conditions" type=" itis:WeatherConditions " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- gross conditions -->
<xs:element name="sunriseTime" type=" Time " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="sunsetTime" type=" Time " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="skyConditions" type=" Weather-SkyConditions " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- ITIS codes -->
<xs:element name="cloudPercent" type=" ntcip:EssCloudSituation " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="visibilityLevel" type=" itis:VisibilityAndAirQuality " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- visablity limits -->
<xs:element name="visibilityQualifier" type=" itis:Qualifiers " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="visibility" type=" ntcip:EssVisibility " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in tenths of a meter -->
<xs:element name="windsType" type=" itis:Winds " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- similar to NTCIP.EssWindSituation -->
<xs:element name="windDirection" type=" CompassDirection " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in compass point phrases -->
<xs:element name="windAngle" type=" ntcip:EssAvgWindDirection " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- expressed in degrees -->
<xs:element name="windSpeed" type=" ntcip:EssAvgWindSpeed " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- tenths of meters per sec -->
<xs:element name="windGustSpeed" type=" ntcip:EssAvgWindSpeed " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- tenths of meters per sec water, rain, ice, snow events -->
<xs:element name="precipitationProbability" type=" Percent " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- quality of this information -->
<xs:element name="precipitation" type=" itis:Precipitation " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="humidity" type=" ntcip:EssRelativeHumidity " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- percent. -->
<xs:element name="snowDepth" type=" ntcip:EssRoadwaySnowDepth " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in centimeters -->
<xs:element name="snowPack" type=" ntcip:EssRoadwaySnowPackDepth " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in centimeters -->
<xs:element name="snowFall" type=" ntcip:EssSnowfallAccumRate " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in centimeters -->
<xs:element name="snowOffRoad" type=" ntcip:EssAdjacentSnowDepth " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in centimeters -->
<xs:element name="iceThickness" type=" ntcip:EssIceThickness " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in millimeters -->
<xs:element name="blackIce" type=" ntcip:EssSurfaceBlackIceSignal " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in millimeters -->
<xs:element name="freezePoint" type=" ntcip:EssSurfaceFreezePoint " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in tenths of degrees C -->
<xs:element name="rain24hrs" type=" ntcip:EssPrecipitation24Hours " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in tenths of kilograms per square meter (for rain, this is equivalent to tenths of millimeters) -->
<xs:element name="rain1hr" type=" ntcip:EssPrecipitationOneHour " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in tenths of kilograms per square meter (for rain, this is approximately tenths of millimeters) -->
<xs:element name="rainRate" type=" ntcip:EssPrecipRate " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- rate in tenths of grams per square meter per second (for rain, this is approximately to 0.36 mm/hr) -->
<xs:element name="precipSituation" type=" ntcip:EssPrecipSituation " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="precipYesNo" type=" ntcip:EssPrecipYesNo " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="waterDepth" type=" ntcip:EssWaterDepth " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in centimeters -->
<xs:element name="surfaceWaterDepth" type=" ntcip:EssSurfaceWaterDepth " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in centimeters -->
<xs:element name="precipStart" type=" DateTimePair " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="precipEnd" type=" DateTimePair " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- pollution and air quality (formerly another message) -->
<xs:element name="smogAlert" type=" Pollution-SmogAlert " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="airQualityIndex" type=" Pollution-AirQualityIndex " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="carbonMonoxide" type=" ntcip:EssCO " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in parts per million -->
<xs:element name="carbonDioxide" type=" ntcip:EssCO2 " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in parts per billion -->
<xs:element name="hydroCarbon" type=" Pollution-HydroCarbon " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="sulfurDioxide" type=" ntcip:EssSO2 " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in parts per billion -->
<xs:element name="nitricOxide" type=" ntcip:EssNO " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in parts per million -->
<xs:element name="nitrousDioxide" type=" ntcip:EssNO2 " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in parts per billion -->
<xs:element name="particulate" type=" ntcip:EssPM10 " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in parts per million micrograms per cubic meter. -->
<xs:element name="ozone" type=" ntcip:EssO3 " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in parts per one hundred billion -->
<xs:element name="uvLevel" type=" UVLevel " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="airQuality" type=" itis:VisibilityAndAirQuality " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- visablity limits -->
<xs:element name="airQualifier" type=" itis:Qualifiers " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- road treatments and conditions -->
<xs:element name="levelofservice" type=" tmdd:Link-level-of-service " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="status" type=" itis:Closures " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="drivingRestrictions" type=" itis:WinterDrivingRestrictions " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="drivingIndex" type=" itis:WinterDrivingIndex " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="mediantype" type=" tmdd:Link-median-type " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="mobileFriction" type=" ntcip:EssMobileFriction " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="pavementConditions" type=" itis:PavementConditions " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"/>
<-- includes data on roadway objects and ice and snow types -->
<xs:element name="pavementTemperature" type=" ntcip:EssPavementTemperature " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="surfaceTemperature" type=" ntcip:EssSurfaceTemperature " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="surfaceSalinity" type=" ntcip:EssSurfaceSalinity " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="pavementtype" type=" tmdd:Link-pavement-type " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- similar to NTCIP.EssPavementType -->
<xs:element name="treatmentForm" type=" ntcip:EssPaveTreatProductForm " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="treatmentType" type=" ntcip:EssPaveTreatProductType " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="treatmentAmount" type=" ntcip:EssPaveTreatmentAmount " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="treatmentWidth" type=" ntcip:EssPaveTreatmentWidth " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- other enviromental data -->
<xs:element name="pressure" type=" ntcip:EssAtmosphericPressure " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in 1/10ths of millibars, a.k.a. tenths of hectoPascals -->
<xs:element name="solarRate" type=" ntcip:EssSolarRadiation " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in Joules per square meter, integrated over the 24 hours -->
<xs:element name="dewPoint" type=" ntcip:EssDewpointTemp " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- in tenths of degrees C -->
<xs:element name="other" type=" ntcip:ESS-other " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- ess free text -->
<xs:element name="furtherText" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:maxLength value="1000"/>
<-- misc free text such as NSW messages -->
<xs:element name="furtherData" type=" URL-Link " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- links to images, maps, or other data -->
<xs:element name="tail" type=" Tail " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="localWeatherInformation" type=" local:WeatherInformation " minOccurs="0"/>