namespace | http://www.IM-Draft-03-00-44a | ||||
type | union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string) | ||||
used by |
annotation |
source | <xs:simpleType name="PowerUnitType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo> unknown (0) -- data is not available -- or not (yet) known -- free text may be used in to describe -- any conditions not in the list -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code UN none (1) -- no power unit involved , -- used when a cargo unit is -- found free standing freeText (2) -- text in the using message -- has a description dumpTruck (3) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code DP , "Dump" endDumpTruck (4) -- a perminent fixed cargo farmTractor (5) farmTractorAndTrailer (6) hazMatCargoTankTruck (7) -- a fixed Tank (hazMatCargoTankTrailer) hazMatTankTruck (8) passengerCarAndTrailer (9) semiTractor (10) -- Use when fuel type not known , otherwise use -- tractorTruckDiesel or tractorTruckGasoline. -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code TT , -- D20 "Truck Tractor" -- Note conflict: NCIC TT = Tow Truck/Wrecker straightTruck (11) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code ST , -- D20 "Single-unit Truck" -- Note conflict: NCIC ST = Stake or Rack straightTruckAndFullTrailer (12) tractorAndDoubleTrailers (13) tractorAndTripleTrailers (14) tractorTrailerCombination (15) -- equivalent to D20 Commercial Vehicle Type -- Code TC , "Truck Combination" bellyDumpTrailer (16) bicyle (17) busSchool (18) busTransit (19) busArticulated (20) fixedCargoTruck (21) helicopter (22) limo (23) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LM , "Limousine" moped (24) -- For definition see NCIC Vehicle Data Codes. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MD motorCoach (25) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CH , "Coach" motorcyle (26) -- For definition see NCIC Vehicle Data Codes. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MC passengerCar (27) -- Use when more specific car type not known , -- such as convertible , coupe , hardtop2Door , etc. , -- for which there are separate codes. passengerVan (28) pickupTruck (29) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code PK , "Pickup" pickupTruckAndTrailer (30) private plane (31) -- used for all 'small' planes , -- multi prop , less than 10 total occupants commercial plane (32) -- used for all "larger' planes able to -- hold >10 total occupants rrTrain (33) -- an Engine smallTruck (34) agitatorBody (35) -- a cement mixer truck -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CM , "Concrete Mixer" bobTailTruckFxd (36) -- when a fixed (attached) cargo -- is found [note that this is -- also a cargo term] , vanTruck (37) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code VN , "Van." -- Adopting NCIC definition , includes: minivan , -- panel van and step van. -- Truck with design that does not provide for -- a separation between the driver and the load area. -- Note conflict: panel van confusable with panelTruck wrecker (38) -- all types and sizes -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TT , -- NCIC "Tow Truck/Wrecker" -- Note conflict: D20 TT = Truck Tractor stakeBodyTruck (39) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code ST , "Stake or Rack" -- Note conflict: D20 ST = Single-unit Truck tankTruck (40) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TN , "Tanker" automotiveTransporter (41) -- a fixed cargo carrier -- Codes which follow were added in order to inset NCIC information. -- These codes at times conflict with each other. Local agreements on -- how to suitably employ these codes (esp when interfaced with another -- CAD system) will be needed in most cases. enclosBodyRemovableEnclosDGGMM (42) -- enclosed body , removable enclosure -- dune buggies , go-cart , golf cart , motorized ride-on toy , -- motorized wheelchair , -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code EB enclosBodyNonremovableEnclosDGGMM (43) -- enclosed body , nonremovable enclosure -- dune buggies , go-cart , golf cart , motorized ride-on toy , -- motorized wheelchair , -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code EN multiWheeledVehicleDGGMM (44) -- multi-wheeled vehicle -- dune buggies , go-cart , golf cart , motorized ride-on toy , -- motorized wheelchair -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MV openBodyDGGMM (45) -- open body -- dune buggies , go-cart , golf cart , motorized ride-on toy , -- motorized wheelchair -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code OP allTerrainVehicle (46) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code AT ambulance (47) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code AM convertible (48) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CV coupe (49) -- Use when unable to determine if a 2-door sedan -- or a 2-door hardtop. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CP hardtop (50) -- Hardtop = with a pillar separating the front and -- rear side windows , no window frames on the door. -- Use only when number of doors is unknown. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HT hardtop2Door (51) -- Hardtop = with a pillar separating the front and -- rear side windows , no window frames on the door. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code 2T hardtop4Door (52) -- Hardtop = with a pillar separating the front and -- rear side windows , no window frames on the door. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code 4T hatchbackFastback (53) -- Use if vehicle has a rear door and the number -- of side doors is unknown. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HB hatchback2Door (54) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code 2H hatchback4Door (55) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code 4H hearse (56) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HR openBody (57) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code OP retractableHardtop (58) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code RH roadster (59) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code RD sedan (60) -- Sedan = with a pillar separating the front and rear -- side windows , and with door frames that remain -- visible when windows are rolled down. -- Also referred to as a pillared hardtop. -- Use only when number of doors is unknown. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code SD sedan2Door (61) -- Sedan = with a pillar separating the front and rear -- side windows , and with door frames that remain -- visible when windows are rolled down. -- Also referred to as a pillared hardtop. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code 2D sedan4Door (62) -- Sedan = with a pillar separating the front and rear -- side windows , and with door frames that remain -- visible when windows are rolled down. -- Also referred to as a pillared hardtop. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code 4D stationWagon (63) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code SW touringCar (64) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TO minibike (65) -- For definition see NCIC Vehicle Data Codes. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MK minicycle (66) -- For definition see NCIC Vehicle Data Codes. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MY motorbike (67) -- For definition see NCIC Vehicle Data Codes. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MB motorscooter (68) -- For definition see NCIC Vehicle Data Codes. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MS multiWheel (69) -- 3- , 4- or more wheeled vehicle -- manufactured for on- or off-road use -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MV enclosBodyRemovableEnclosSnowmobile (70) -- snowmobile , enclosed body , removable enclosure -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code EB enclosBodyNonremovableEnclosSnowmobile (71) -- snowmobile , enclosed body , nonremovable enclosure -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code EN openBodySnowmobile (72) -- snowmobile , open body -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code OP truck3Door (73) -- 2 on driver's side and 1 on the other , or visa versa. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code 3D armoredTruck (74) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code AR beverageRackTruck (75) -- beverage-rack truck -- as opposed to CargoPackageType "bottlerBody" -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code BR bulkAgricultureTruck (76) -- Bulk transport of raw vegetables; -- may have live floor , belt , or tip head. -- Note there is a bulkAgricultureTrailer in -- in CargoPackageType , with the same NCIC code. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code BA bus (77) -- Use when not specified "busSchool , " "busTransit , " -- "busArticulated , " for which there are separate codes -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code BU carryAll (78) -- Rugged trail , pleasure , and sport utility vehicles. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LL chassis (79) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code CB -- Note conflict: NCIC CB = Chassis and Cab chassisAndCab (80) -- Truck with design that provides for a separation -- between the driver and load area. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CB -- Note conflict: D20 CB = Chassis fireTruck (81) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code FT flatbedOrPlatformTruck (82) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code FB flatrackTruck (83) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code FR garbageOrRefuseTruck (84) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code GG glassRackTruck (85) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code GR grainTruck (86) -- Note there is a grainTrailer in -- CargoPackageType , with the same NCIC code. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code GN hopperBottomDumpTruck (87) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HO liftBoomTruck (88) -- Also known as an orchard or cherry picker. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LF livestockRackTruck (89) -- Note there is a livestockTrailer in -- CargoPackageType with the same NCIC code. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LS logTruck (90) -- Used to transport logs , poles , or pipe; may be -- self-loading or may have a grappling arm or jammer. -- Note there is a loggingPipeOrPoleTrailer in -- CargoPackageType with a different NCIC code.. -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LG lunchWagon (91) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LW motorizedHome (92) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MH palletTruck (93) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code PL panelTruck (94) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code PN , -- D20 "Panel" -- Note conflict: vanTruck = NCIC "Van , " which -- includes panel van , confusable with panel truck pickupWithMountedCamper (95) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code PM refrigeratedVan (96) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code RF tractorTruckDiesel (97) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code DS tractorTruckGasoline (98) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TR vanCamper (99) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code VC vanette (100) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code VT wellDriller (101) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code WD </xs:appinfo> <xs:documentation> values to 127 reserved for std use values 128 to 255 reserved for local use </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt"> <xs:minInclusive value="0"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="101"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="unknown"/> <xs:enumeration value="none"/> <xs:enumeration value="freeText"/> <xs:enumeration value="dumpTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="endDumpTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="farmTractor"/> <xs:enumeration value="farmTractorAndTrailer"/> <xs:enumeration value="hazMatCargoTankTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="hazMatTankTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="passengerCarAndTrailer"/> <xs:enumeration value="semiTractor"/> <xs:enumeration value="straightTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="straightTruckAndFullTrailer"/> <xs:enumeration value="tractorAndDoubleTrailers"/> <xs:enumeration value="tractorAndTripleTrailers"/> <xs:enumeration value="tractorTrailerCombination"/> <xs:enumeration value="bellyDumpTrailer"/> <xs:enumeration value="bicyle"/> <xs:enumeration value="busSchool"/> <xs:enumeration value="busTransit"/> <xs:enumeration value="busArticulated"/> <xs:enumeration value="fixedCargoTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="helicopter"/> <xs:enumeration value="limo"/> <xs:enumeration value="moped"/> <xs:enumeration value="motorCoach"/> <xs:enumeration value="motorcyle"/> <xs:enumeration value="passengerCar"/> <xs:enumeration value="passengerVan"/> <xs:enumeration value="pickupTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="pickupTruckAndTrailer"/> <xs:enumeration value="private plane"/> <xs:enumeration value="commercial plane"/> <xs:enumeration value="rrTrain"/> <xs:enumeration value="smallTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="agitatorBody"/> <xs:enumeration value="bobTailTruckFxd"/> <xs:enumeration value="vanTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="wrecker"/> <xs:enumeration value="stakeBodyTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="tankTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="automotiveTransporter"/> <xs:enumeration value="enclosBodyRemovableEnclosDGGMM"/> <xs:enumeration value="enclosBodyNonremovableEnclosDGGMM"/> <xs:enumeration value="multiWheeledVehicleDGGMM"/> <xs:enumeration value="openBodyDGGMM"/> <xs:enumeration value="allTerrainVehicle"/> <xs:enumeration value="ambulance"/> <xs:enumeration value="convertible"/> <xs:enumeration value="coupe"/> <xs:enumeration value="hardtop"/> <xs:enumeration value="hardtop2Door"/> <xs:enumeration value="hardtop4Door"/> <xs:enumeration value="hatchbackFastback"/> <xs:enumeration value="hatchback2Door"/> <xs:enumeration value="hatchback4Door"/> <xs:enumeration value="hearse"/> <xs:enumeration value="openBody"/> <xs:enumeration value="retractableHardtop"/> <xs:enumeration value="roadster"/> <xs:enumeration value="sedan"/> <xs:enumeration value="sedan2Door"/> <xs:enumeration value="sedan4Door"/> <xs:enumeration value="stationWagon"/> <xs:enumeration value="touringCar"/> <xs:enumeration value="minibike"/> <xs:enumeration value="minicycle"/> <xs:enumeration value="motorbike"/> <xs:enumeration value="motorscooter"/> <xs:enumeration value="multiWheel"/> <xs:enumeration value="enclosBodyRemovableEnclosSnowmobile"/> <xs:enumeration value="enclosBodyNonremovableEnclosSnowmobile"/> <xs:enumeration value="openBodySnowmobile"/> <xs:enumeration value="truck3Door"/> <xs:enumeration value="armoredTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="beverageRackTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="bulkAgricultureTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="bus"/> <xs:enumeration value="carryAll"/> <xs:enumeration value="chassis"/> <xs:enumeration value="chassisAndCab"/> <xs:enumeration value="fireTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="flatbedOrPlatformTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="flatrackTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="garbageOrRefuseTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="glassRackTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="grainTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="hopperBottomDumpTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="liftBoomTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="livestockRackTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="logTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="lunchWagon"/> <xs:enumeration value="motorizedHome"/> <xs:enumeration value="palletTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="panelTruck"/> <xs:enumeration value="pickupWithMountedCamper"/> <xs:enumeration value="refrigeratedVan"/> <xs:enumeration value="tractorTruckDiesel"/> <xs:enumeration value="tractorTruckGasoline"/> <xs:enumeration value="vanCamper"/> <xs:enumeration value="vanette"/> <xs:enumeration value="wellDriller"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> |