simpleType tmdd:Link-median-type
namespace http://www.TMDD-Partial-00-00-00
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string)
used by
elements LaneDescription/barrier LinkDataSet/medianType atis:LinkTrafficInformation/medianType atis:WeatherInformation/mediantype

            curbed (1)
            concrete barrier (2)
            concrete barrier with visibility screen (3)
            guard rail (4)
            open grass (5)
            open sand (6)
            painted median no access (7)
            separate roadways (8)
            unprotected (9)
<Definition> Type of the median for the separation of opposing or parallel traffic links.</Definition>
<Remarks> V1.3 - Revised Valid Value Rule.  Removed ANSI X3.4 from Value Domain.
            V1.7 - Added FADD_ID attribute; revised Class Name, Classification Scheme Name/Version, Data Concept Identifier/Version to reflect harmonization with ITS Data Registry.</Remarks>
source <xs:simpleType name="Link-median-type">
            curbed (1)
            concrete barrier (2)
            concrete barrier with visibility screen (3)
            guard rail (4)
            open grass (5)
            open sand (6)
            painted median no access (7)
            separate roadways (8)
            unprotected (9)
<Definition> Type of the median for the separation of opposing or parallel traffic links.</Definition>
<Remarks> V1.3 - Revised Valid Value Rule.  Removed ANSI X3.4 from Value Domain.
            V1.7 - Added FADD_ID attribute; revised Class Name, Classification Scheme Name/Version, Data Concept Identifier/Version to reflect harmonization with ITS Data Registry.
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="9"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="curbed"/>
<xs:enumeration value="concrete barrier"/>
<xs:enumeration value="concrete barrier with visibility screen"/>
<xs:enumeration value="guard rail"/>
<xs:enumeration value="open grass"/>
<xs:enumeration value="open sand"/>
<xs:enumeration value="painted median no access"/>
<xs:enumeration value="separate roadways"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unprotected"/>

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