simpleType tcip:CPT-PTVehicleType
namespace http://www.TCIP-Adopted-03-00-01
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string, restriction of xs:unsignedInt, CPT-PTVehicleType)
used by
elements tcip:SCHVehicleAssignment/ptv-type tcip:SchUnassignedVehicleList/vehicle-types/vehicle-type tcip:SchUnassignedVehicleListSub/vehicle-types/vehicle-type tcip:CPTPTVehicle/vehicleType tcip:CPTPTVehicleBase/vehType

            twentyfiveRevenue (1) -- 25' Revenue
            thirtyRevenue (2) -- 30' Revenue
            fortyRevenue (3) -- 40' Revenue
            articulated (4) -- Articulated
            cng (5) -- CNG
            lng (6) -- LNG
            supervisor (7) -- Supervisor
            police (8) -- Police
            towTruck (9) -- Tow truck
            shelterService (10) -- Shelter service truck
            van (11) -- Van
            passengerVehicle (12) -- Passenger vehicle
            lightRail (13) -- Light rail car
            commuterRail (14) -- Commuter rail car
            heavyRail (15) -- Heavy rail car
            aircraft (16)
            ferry (17)
            transitPolice (18)
            otherPolice (19) -- 20-127 reserved
             -- 128-255 local use
source <xs:simpleType name="CPT-PTVehicleType">
            twentyfiveRevenue (1) -- 25&apos; Revenue
            thirtyRevenue (2) -- 30&apos; Revenue
            fortyRevenue (3) -- 40&apos; Revenue
            articulated (4) -- Articulated
            cng (5) -- CNG
            lng (6) -- LNG
            supervisor (7) -- Supervisor
            police (8) -- Police
            towTruck (9) -- Tow truck
            shelterService (10) -- Shelter service truck
            van (11) -- Van
            passengerVehicle (12) -- Passenger vehicle
            lightRail (13) -- Light rail car
            commuterRail (14) -- Commuter rail car
            heavyRail (15) -- Heavy rail car
            aircraft (16)
            ferry (17)
            transitPolice (18)
            otherPolice (19) -- 20-127 reserved
             -- 128-255 local use
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="19"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="twentyfiveRevenue"/>
<xs:enumeration value="thirtyRevenue"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fortyRevenue"/>
<xs:enumeration value="articulated"/>
<xs:enumeration value="cng"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lng"/>
<xs:enumeration value="supervisor"/>
<xs:enumeration value="police"/>
<xs:enumeration value="towTruck"/>
<xs:enumeration value="shelterService"/>
<xs:enumeration value="van"/>
<xs:enumeration value="passengerVehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lightRail"/>
<xs:enumeration value="commuterRail"/>
<xs:enumeration value="heavyRail"/>
<xs:enumeration value="aircraft"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ferry"/>
<xs:enumeration value="transitPolice"/>
<xs:enumeration value="otherPolice"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="128"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="255"/>
<xs:restriction base="local:CPT-PTVehicleType"/>

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