namespace | http://www.TCIP-Adopted-03-00-01 | ||
type | union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string, restriction of xs:unsignedInt, CPT-FeatureType) | ||
used by | |||
annotation |
source | <xs:simpleType name="CPT-FeatureType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo> street (1) highway (2) intersection (3) ramp (4) transit sign (5) non transit sign (6) ptv garage (7) stoppoint (8) timepoint (9) shelter (10) tracks (11) -- rail e.g. commuter rail , parking garage (12) park and ride (13) pattern (14) pattern segment (15) route (16) incident (17) landmark (18) origin (19) destination (20) fare zone (21) water (22) -- rivers , parking lot (23) transit facility (24) -- of any kind fire hydrant (25) city (26) county (27) -- or borough state (28) town (29) employee (30) operator base (31) operator (32) org unit (33) transfer cluster (34) vehicle (35) fare policy (36) fare zone (37) amenity (38) announcement (39) service bulletin (40) geo zone (41) traveler (42) block (43) -- vehicle assignment note (44) -- scheduling note run (45) trip (46) -- scheduled trip -- 47-127 reserved -- 128-255 local use </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt"> <xs:minInclusive value="1"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="46"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="street"/> <xs:enumeration value="highway"/> <xs:enumeration value="intersection"/> <xs:enumeration value="ramp"/> <xs:enumeration value="transit sign"/> <xs:enumeration value="non transit sign"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv garage"/> <xs:enumeration value="stoppoint"/> <xs:enumeration value="timepoint"/> <xs:enumeration value="shelter"/> <xs:enumeration value="tracks"/> <xs:enumeration value="parking garage"/> <xs:enumeration value="park and ride"/> <xs:enumeration value="pattern"/> <xs:enumeration value="pattern segment"/> <xs:enumeration value="route"/> <xs:enumeration value="incident"/> <xs:enumeration value="landmark"/> <xs:enumeration value="origin"/> <xs:enumeration value="destination"/> <xs:enumeration value="fare zone"/> <xs:enumeration value="water"/> <xs:enumeration value="parking lot"/> <xs:enumeration value="transit facility"/> <xs:enumeration value="fire hydrant"/> <xs:enumeration value="city"/> <xs:enumeration value="county"/> <xs:enumeration value="state"/> <xs:enumeration value="town"/> <xs:enumeration value="employee"/> <xs:enumeration value="operator base"/> <xs:enumeration value="operator"/> <xs:enumeration value="org unit"/> <xs:enumeration value="transfer cluster"/> <xs:enumeration value="vehicle"/> <xs:enumeration value="fare policy"/> <xs:enumeration value="fare zone"/> <xs:enumeration value="amenity"/> <xs:enumeration value="announcement"/> <xs:enumeration value="service bulletin"/> <xs:enumeration value="geo zone"/> <xs:enumeration value="traveler"/> <xs:enumeration value="block"/> <xs:enumeration value="note"/> <xs:enumeration value="run"/> <xs:enumeration value="trip"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt"> <xs:minInclusive value="128"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="255"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="local:CPT-FeatureType"/> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> |