namespace | http://www.TCIP-Adopted-03-00-01 | ||
type | union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string, restriction of xs:unsignedInt, CC-ServiceEventType) | ||
used by |
annotation |
source | <xs:simpleType name="CC-ServiceEventType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo> -- - Security customer assaulted (1) -- not on ptv employee assaulted (2) operator assaulted (3) passenger assaulted (4) -- onboard ptv fare dispute (4) intoxicated customer (5) sleeper (6) other disturbance (7) gang activity at stop (8) gang activity on ptv (9) firearm displayed at stop (10) firearm displayed on ptv (11) shot fired at stop (12) shot fired on ptv (13) shot fired between stops (14) suspicious pkg at stop (15) suspicious pkg on ptv (16) drug use at stop (17) drug use on ptv (18) other security (19) false alarm (20) panhandling at stop (21) panhandling on ptv (22) future security23 (23) future security24 (24) future security25 (25) -- - Illness - operator illness (26) passenger illness (27) future illness28 (28) other illness (29) -- - Schedule/Routing - overload at stop (30) off route (31) off schedule early (32) off schedule late (33) overload (34) overload passing (35) overload wheelchair passing (36) -- - Service Related - power outage (37) service response required (38) special event (39) street blocked (40) traffic (41) auto race (42) baseball game (43) football game (44) hockey game (45) basketball game (46) unsanitary (47) overhead damage (48) other service event (49) -- -Mechanical & Accessibility - lift malfunction disabled (50) lift malfunction not disabled (51) lift malfunction disabled (52) lift malfunction safety (53) zone ramp problem (54) mechanical not disabled (55) mechanical disabled (56) radio malfunction road (57) other mechanical assist (58) other mechanical no assist (59) -- - Base Related - base error (60) maintenance problem base (61) no coach (62) no operator (63) operator delay (64) tripper storage (65) radio malfunction base (66) future base67 (67) future base68 (68) other base problem (69) -- - Weather Related - chains broken (70) lost in snow (71) snow wrapped in duals (72) snow sand to clear (73) stuck tow to clear (74) blocked (75) fog (76) heavy rain (77) ice (78) other weather (79) flooding (80) -- - Other - fuel spill (81) hazmat spill (82) utility problem (83) fire (84) road problem (85) pothole (86) bridge problem (87) safety other (88) monorail problem (89) streetcar problem (90) farebox problem (91) misc alarm (92) facility damage (93) future other94 (94) future other95 (95) curb damage (96) other misc event (97) -- Transit Facilities facility incident (98) shelter fire (99) shelter fire damage (100) Shelter damage (101) shelter graffiti (102) shelter power out (103) Sign missing (104) sign damage (105) sign power out (106) bench damage (107) bench graffiti (108) t facility future (109) t facility future (110) -- PTV ptv fire (111) ptv other (112) ptv future113 (113) ptv future114 (114) ptv future115 (115) ptv future116 (116) ptv future117 (117) ptv future118 (118) ptv future119 (119) -- - All Accident - accident diesel trolley (120) accident nonrevenue (121) accident paratransit (122) accident other (123) accident future type (124) accident lift related (125) -- values 126-150 reserved for future use -- values 151-250 reserved for local use -- values 251-255 reserved for future use </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt"> <xs:minInclusive value="1"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="125"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="customer assaulted"/> <xs:enumeration value="employee assaulted"/> <xs:enumeration value="operator assaulted"/> <xs:enumeration value="passenger assaulted"/> <xs:enumeration value="fare dispute"/> <xs:enumeration value="intoxicated customer"/> <xs:enumeration value="sleeper"/> <xs:enumeration value="other disturbance"/> <xs:enumeration value="gang activity at stop"/> <xs:enumeration value="gang activity on ptv"/> <xs:enumeration value="firearm displayed at stop"/> <xs:enumeration value="firearm displayed on ptv"/> <xs:enumeration value="shot fired at stop"/> <xs:enumeration value="shot fired on ptv"/> <xs:enumeration value="shot fired between stops"/> <xs:enumeration value="suspicious pkg at stop"/> <xs:enumeration value="suspicious pkg on ptv"/> <xs:enumeration value="drug use at stop"/> <xs:enumeration value="drug use on ptv"/> <xs:enumeration value="other security"/> <xs:enumeration value="false alarm"/> <xs:enumeration value="panhandling at stop"/> <xs:enumeration value="panhandling on ptv"/> <xs:enumeration value="future security23"/> <xs:enumeration value="future security24"/> <xs:enumeration value="future security25"/> <xs:enumeration value="operator illness"/> <xs:enumeration value="passenger illness"/> <xs:enumeration value="future illness28"/> <xs:enumeration value="other illness"/> <xs:enumeration value="overload at stop"/> <xs:enumeration value="off route"/> <xs:enumeration value="off schedule early"/> <xs:enumeration value="off schedule late"/> <xs:enumeration value="overload"/> <xs:enumeration value="overload passing"/> <xs:enumeration value="overload wheelchair passing"/> <xs:enumeration value="power outage"/> <xs:enumeration value="service response required"/> <xs:enumeration value="special event"/> <xs:enumeration value="street blocked"/> <xs:enumeration value="traffic"/> <xs:enumeration value="auto race"/> <xs:enumeration value="baseball game"/> <xs:enumeration value="football game"/> <xs:enumeration value="hockey game"/> <xs:enumeration value="basketball game"/> <xs:enumeration value="unsanitary"/> <xs:enumeration value="overhead damage"/> <xs:enumeration value="other service event"/> <xs:enumeration value="lift malfunction disabled"/> <xs:enumeration value="lift malfunction not disabled"/> <xs:enumeration value="lift malfunction disabled"/> <xs:enumeration value="lift malfunction safety"/> <xs:enumeration value="zone ramp problem"/> <xs:enumeration value="mechanical not disabled"/> <xs:enumeration value="mechanical disabled"/> <xs:enumeration value="radio malfunction road"/> <xs:enumeration value="other mechanical assist"/> <xs:enumeration value="other mechanical no assist"/> <xs:enumeration value="base error"/> <xs:enumeration value="maintenance problem base"/> <xs:enumeration value="no coach"/> <xs:enumeration value="no operator"/> <xs:enumeration value="operator delay"/> <xs:enumeration value="tripper storage"/> <xs:enumeration value="radio malfunction base"/> <xs:enumeration value="future base67"/> <xs:enumeration value="future base68"/> <xs:enumeration value="other base problem"/> <xs:enumeration value="chains broken"/> <xs:enumeration value="lost in snow"/> <xs:enumeration value="snow wrapped in duals"/> <xs:enumeration value="snow sand to clear"/> <xs:enumeration value="stuck tow to clear"/> <xs:enumeration value="blocked"/> <xs:enumeration value="fog"/> <xs:enumeration value="heavy rain"/> <xs:enumeration value="ice"/> <xs:enumeration value="other weather"/> <xs:enumeration value="flooding"/> <xs:enumeration value="fuel spill"/> <xs:enumeration value="hazmat spill"/> <xs:enumeration value="utility problem"/> <xs:enumeration value="fire"/> <xs:enumeration value="road problem"/> <xs:enumeration value="pothole"/> <xs:enumeration value="bridge problem"/> <xs:enumeration value="safety other"/> <xs:enumeration value="monorail problem"/> <xs:enumeration value="streetcar problem"/> <xs:enumeration value="farebox problem"/> <xs:enumeration value="misc alarm"/> <xs:enumeration value="facility damage"/> <xs:enumeration value="future other94"/> <xs:enumeration value="future other95"/> <xs:enumeration value="curb damage"/> <xs:enumeration value="other misc event"/> <xs:enumeration value="facility incident"/> <xs:enumeration value="shelter fire"/> <xs:enumeration value="shelter fire damage"/> <xs:enumeration value="Shelter damage"/> <xs:enumeration value="shelter graffiti"/> <xs:enumeration value="shelter power out"/> <xs:enumeration value="Sign missing"/> <xs:enumeration value="sign damage"/> <xs:enumeration value="sign power out"/> <xs:enumeration value="bench damage"/> <xs:enumeration value="bench graffiti"/> <xs:enumeration value="t facility future"/> <xs:enumeration value="t facility future"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv fire"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv other"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv future113"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv future114"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv future115"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv future116"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv future117"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv future118"/> <xs:enumeration value="ptv future119"/> <xs:enumeration value="accident diesel trolley"/> <xs:enumeration value="accident nonrevenue"/> <xs:enumeration value="accident paratransit"/> <xs:enumeration value="accident other"/> <xs:enumeration value="accident future type"/> <xs:enumeration value="accident lift related"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt"> <xs:minInclusive value="151"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="250"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="local:CC-ServiceEventType"/> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> |