complexType MobileMessage
namespace http://www.IM-Draft-03-00-44a
children authorizationSet header idxSubParts localMobileMessage
used by
element mobileMessage
source <xs:complexType name="MobileMessage">
<xs:element name="authorizationSet" type="AuthorizationSet" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="header" type="MobileHeader" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- if an inner element is not present then
         the header content of the message which
         carries this DF shall be applied to the
         context of this message. The header has the
         data creator,  time stamps,  location,
         and what to do when the message becomes
         old  (how to get a fresh one)  and the
         reference ID of this message or submessage --
<xs:element name="idxSubParts" type="MobileIDXWrapper"/>
<!-- sets of sub messages are appended here -->
<xs:element name="localMobileMessage" type="local:MobileMessage" minOccurs="0"/>

element MobileMessage/authorizationSet
type AuthorizationSet
isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children user-id password hashtime hash
source <xs:element name="authorizationSet" type="AuthorizationSet" minOccurs="0"/>

element MobileMessage/header
type MobileHeader
isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children number senderIncidentID inReplyTo sender issueTime testMessage localMobileHeader
source <xs:element name="header" type="MobileHeader" minOccurs="0"/>

element MobileMessage/idxSubParts
type MobileIDXWrapper
isRef 0
content complex
children timeMarks cargoDocs cargoUnits cargoVehicle cautionsForResponder centerPlan description evacuation facilities fileTransfer hazardousMaterialIncident immediateSiteEvacuation impact manageCommand materialRelease needEMS needFireSuppression needLawEnforcement needOtherServices needRescueServices networkConditions placardsLabelsSignage preemptionUserData requestImmedAssistance requestNetworkConditions requestPhysicalAsset requestPhysicalAssetStatus requestPreemptionUserData requestRouteAdvice requestTrafficControlPlan requestWorkZoneData resourceAssignment response routeAdvice sceneStaging severity trackInvolvedPerson trackInvolvedVehicle trackResponsePersonnel trackSpecialCircumstances trafficControlPlan transitEventSource transitVehicleInvolved vehicleMAYDAY vehiclesData watchForRequest watchForResponse witnessStatement workZoneData mobileData localMobileIDXWrapper
source <xs:element name="idxSubParts" type="MobileIDXWrapper"/>

element MobileMessage/localMobileMessage
type local:MobileMessage
isRef 0
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children yourName
source <xs:element name="localMobileMessage" type="local:MobileMessage" minOccurs="0"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by
XMLSpy Schema Editor