Documentation for ATIS-Draft-03-00-79

Complex Type: ServerStatus

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ServerStatus
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type StatusBlock
Abstract no
XML Instance Representation
<text> itis:ITIScodesAndText </text> [0..1]
<time> DateTimePair </time> [0..1]
<moreData> URL-Link </moreData> [0..1]
<localServerStatus> local:ServerStatus </localServerStatus> [0..1]
h-2117645544 h1210973722 h882153789 h-1783928294
Schema Component Representation
<xs:complexType name="ServerStatus">
<xs:element name="text" type=" itis:ITIScodesAndText " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="time" type=" DateTimePair " minOccurs="0"/>
<-- used to tell when services may resume -->
<xs:element name="moreData" type=" URL-Link " minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="localServerStatus" type=" local:ServerStatus " minOccurs="0"/>