simpleType TimeEvent
namespace http://www.IM-Draft-03-00-44a
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string, local:TimeEvent)
used by
element TimeMarks/timeMark/meaning

            dispatchedTime (0) -- time the resource was initially assigned
             -- to work on an event or the event was
             -- deemed to have started
            assignedTime (1) -- may be considered the same as dispatched
             -- in some systems
            arrivalTime (2) -- the time a resources arrives on on-scene
            departureTime (3) -- the time a resources arrives leaves the scene
            workingStartTime (4)
            workingStopTime (5) -- typically used with devices to record
             -- the use time
            dischargedTime (6) -- no long associated with this event
             -- (also called clear time)
            scheduledStartTime (7)
            scheduledStopTime (8) -- used for times of pre-planned events
             -- and estimated events
            scheduledExpireTime (9) -- the time the resource is expect to cease
             -- being used  (or estimated end of shift
             -- types of time)
            restorationStartTime (10)
            restorationStopTime (11) -- any out of service time required to bring
             -- the resources back up to a mission ready
             -- condition  (refueling ,  servicing ,  etc.)
            requiredOffDutyStartTime (12)
            requiredOffDutyStopTime (13) -- some activities have forced  (mandated)
             -- recovery and rest time ,  this can be used
             -- to record these.
            reportWritingStartTime (14)
            reportWritingStopTime (15) -- time required to process any follow up
             -- paperwork after an assignment to an event
            outOfServiceStart (16)
            outOfServiceStop (17)
            returnedToService (18)
            offDutyStart (19)
            offDutyStop (20)
            onBreakStart (21)
            onBreakStop (22) -- various times required to record the service
             -- availablity of a resource
            leftVehicle (23)
            returnedToVehicle (24) -- times associated with any vehicle actions
             -- paperwork after an assignment to an event.
            lastReportedTime (25) -- last time updated data on this resource
             -- became available
            initialReport (26)
            confirmTime (27) -- Used to record confirmed event time
            clearedTime (28) -- Used to record overall event cleared time
             -- used discharge time for resources
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 255 reserved for local use
source <xs:simpleType name="TimeEvent">
            dispatchedTime (0) -- time the resource was initially assigned
             -- to work on an event or the event was
             -- deemed to have started
            assignedTime (1) -- may be considered the same as dispatched
             -- in some systems
            arrivalTime (2) -- the time a resources arrives on on-scene
            departureTime (3) -- the time a resources arrives leaves the scene
            workingStartTime (4)
            workingStopTime (5) -- typically used with devices to record
             -- the use time
            dischargedTime (6) -- no long associated with this event
             -- (also called clear time)
            scheduledStartTime (7)
            scheduledStopTime (8) -- used for times of pre-planned events
             -- and estimated events
            scheduledExpireTime (9) -- the time the resource is expect to cease
             -- being used  (or estimated end of shift
             -- types of time)
            restorationStartTime (10)
            restorationStopTime (11) -- any out of service time required to bring
             -- the resources back up to a mission ready
             -- condition  (refueling ,  servicing ,  etc.)
            requiredOffDutyStartTime (12)
            requiredOffDutyStopTime (13) -- some activities have forced  (mandated)
             -- recovery and rest time ,  this can be used
             -- to record these.
            reportWritingStartTime (14)
            reportWritingStopTime (15) -- time required to process any follow up
             -- paperwork after an assignment to an event
            outOfServiceStart (16)
            outOfServiceStop (17)
            returnedToService (18)
            offDutyStart (19)
            offDutyStop (20)
            onBreakStart (21)
            onBreakStop (22) -- various times required to record the service
             -- availablity of a resource
            leftVehicle (23)
            returnedToVehicle (24) -- times associated with any vehicle actions
             -- paperwork after an assignment to an event.
            lastReportedTime (25) -- last time updated data on this resource
             -- became available
            initialReport (26)
            confirmTime (27) -- Used to record confirmed event time
            clearedTime (28) -- Used to record overall event cleared time
             -- used discharge time for resources
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 255 reserved for local use
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="28"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="dispatchedTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="assignedTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="arrivalTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="departureTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="workingStartTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="workingStopTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="dischargedTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="scheduledStartTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="scheduledStopTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="scheduledExpireTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="restorationStartTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="restorationStopTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="requiredOffDutyStartTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="requiredOffDutyStopTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="reportWritingStartTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="reportWritingStopTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="outOfServiceStart"/>
<xs:enumeration value="outOfServiceStop"/>
<xs:enumeration value="returnedToService"/>
<xs:enumeration value="offDutyStart"/>
<xs:enumeration value="offDutyStop"/>
<xs:enumeration value="onBreakStart"/>
<xs:enumeration value="onBreakStop"/>
<xs:enumeration value="leftVehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="returnedToVehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lastReportedTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="initialReport"/>
<xs:enumeration value="confirmTime"/>
<xs:enumeration value="clearedTime"/>
<xs:restriction base="local:TimeEvent"/>

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