simpleType SignageType
namespace http://www.IM-Draft-03-00-44a
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string)
used by
element PlacardsLabelsSignage/type

            seeText (0) -- an unknown type ,
             -- message for further information beyond these items
            placard (1) -- e.g. a 272 mm external sign found on cargo units
            label (2) -- a "small" on point sign found on packages
            orangeLabel (3) -- a two part orange rectangular sign often found on
             -- bulk intermodal items
            miscCategories (4) -- other standard marking and labels found in shipping
            nfpa (5) -- an NFPA 704 label
            hmis (6) -- an HMIS label
            rail (7) -- rail tank car markings
            radioactive (8) -- radioactivity labels
            waste (9) -- EPA Hazmat waste labels
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 255 reserved for local use
source <xs:simpleType name="SignageType">
            seeText (0) -- an unknown type ,
             -- message for further information beyond these items
            placard (1) -- e.g. a 272 mm external sign found on cargo units
            label (2) -- a &quot;small&quot; on point sign found on packages
            orangeLabel (3) -- a two part orange rectangular sign often found on
             -- bulk intermodal items
            miscCategories (4) -- other standard marking and labels found in shipping
            nfpa (5) -- an NFPA 704 label
            hmis (6) -- an HMIS label
            rail (7) -- rail tank car markings
            radioactive (8) -- radioactivity labels
            waste (9) -- EPA Hazmat waste labels
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 255 reserved for local use
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="9"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="seeText"/>
<xs:enumeration value="placard"/>
<xs:enumeration value="label"/>
<xs:enumeration value="orangeLabel"/>
<xs:enumeration value="miscCategories"/>
<xs:enumeration value="nfpa"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hmis"/>
<xs:enumeration value="rail"/>
<xs:enumeration value="radioactive"/>
<xs:enumeration value="waste"/>

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