simpleType PreemptAuthorization
namespace http://www.IM-Draft-03-00-44a
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string)
used by
element PreemptionUserData/authorizationValue

            yes (1) -- grant
            no (2) -- deny
            possibleViolation (3) -- confusing data which MAY indicate an
             -- unauthorized attempt to take over the access point
            confirmedViolation (4) -- data clearly indicates that an
             -- unauthorized attempt to take over the access point
             -- is in progress
            usedOnce (5) -- an access point which was set up for use has been
             -- used ,  typically indicating that the vehicle has passed
            notYetUsed (6) -- an access point which was set up for use has
             -- not yet been used ,  Typically indicating that the
             -- vehicle has not yet passed this point
            currentlyInUse (7) -- to be used when the vehicle is
             -- present in the range of the technology and has
             -- taken control of the access point
            currentlyInView (8) -- to be used when the vehicle is
             -- present in the range of the technology
source <xs:simpleType name="PreemptAuthorization">
            yes (1) -- grant
            no (2) -- deny
            possibleViolation (3) -- confusing data which MAY indicate an
             -- unauthorized attempt to take over the access point
            confirmedViolation (4) -- data clearly indicates that an
             -- unauthorized attempt to take over the access point
             -- is in progress
            usedOnce (5) -- an access point which was set up for use has been
             -- used ,  typically indicating that the vehicle has passed
            notYetUsed (6) -- an access point which was set up for use has
             -- not yet been used ,  Typically indicating that the
             -- vehicle has not yet passed this point
            currentlyInUse (7) -- to be used when the vehicle is
             -- present in the range of the technology and has
             -- taken control of the access point
            currentlyInView (8) -- to be used when the vehicle is
             -- present in the range of the technology
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="8"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
<xs:enumeration value="no"/>
<xs:enumeration value="possibleViolation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="confirmedViolation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="usedOnce"/>
<xs:enumeration value="notYetUsed"/>
<xs:enumeration value="currentlyInUse"/>
<xs:enumeration value="currentlyInView"/>

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