namespace | http://www.IM-Draft-03-00-44a | ||||
type | union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string) | ||||
used by | |||||
annotation |
source | <xs:simpleType name="PartialDescriptions"> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo> -- Gross shapes squarOnPoint (1) -- square "on point , -- with corner pointing down , "diamond" squareSidesHorizontal (2) -- square , -- (could be mis-read , mis-mounted) rectangleSidesHorizontal (3) -- rectangle , sidesHorizontalNotSpecifying (4) -- sides horizontal and vertical , -- not specifying square vs rectangle squareNotSpecifying (5) -- square , -- horizontal/vertical vs "on point" damagedConditon (6) -- damaged (faded , -- damage effecting legibility) -- Colors and Stripes allRed (17) -- all red (except white rectangle with number) allOrange (18) -- all orange , -- yellow-brown allGreen (19) -- all green (except white rectangle with number) allYellow (20) -- all yellow , -- light yellow to distinguish from "orange" -- (except white rectangle with number) allWhite (21) -- all white (except white rectangle with number) allBlue (22) -- all blue (except white rectangle with number) topWhiteBottomRed (23) -- top white , topYellowBottomWhite (24) -- top yellow , topWhiteBottomBlack (25) -- top white , orangeWithBlackGraphics (26) -- orange with black graphics -- (as in Cargo Aircraft Only label) whiteWithBlackQuadrantOnTop (27) -- white with black quadrant on top -- (with skull-crossbones) redAndWhiteVerticalStripesWithBlueQuadrantOnTop (28) -- red and white vertical stripes -- with blue quadrant on top redAndWhiteVerticalStripes (29) -- red and white vertical stripes blackAndWhiteVerticalStripes (30) -- black and white vertical stripes -- (always top half only) -- Various Icons and Graphical Elements explosion (31) -- burst , gasCylinder (32) -- gas cylinder , flameFromAnOAboveBar (33) -- flaming O (oh) , flameFrombar (34) -- flame from a bar flameNotSpecifying (35) -- flame , skullAndCrossbones (36) -- skull and crossbones , -- (outline on white or white on black) threePincers (37) -- three "pincers" around an "O , -- or simply "three pincers" threeBladedPropeller (38) -- trefoil , testTubePouringOnBar (39) -- tube and bar , -- test tube pouring on bar + test tube -- pouring on hand (or either one alone) compassAndMagnet (40) -- compass and magnet airplaneCargoPallet (41) -- airplane + cargo pallet cornWithX (42) -- ear of corn with an "X" fishWithX (43) -- fish with an "X" wWithBar (44) -- The char "W" with a bar (use no water) exclamationPoint (45) -- Exclamation point -- Observed Numbers at Top and Bottom topCenter 1 1 (46) -- large , topCenter 1 2 (47) -- large , topCenter 1 3 (48) -- large , topCenter 1 4 (49) -- large , top center 1 5 (50) -- large , top center 1 6 (51) -- large , topCenterUnspecNumber (52) -- large , bottomQuadrant 1 (53) -- small , bottomQuadrant 2 (54) -- small , bottomQuadrant 3 (55) -- small , bottomQuadrant 4 (56) -- small , bottomQuadrant 5 1 (57) -- small , bottomQuadrant 5 2 (58) -- small , bottomQuadrant 6 (59) -- small , bottomQuadrant 7 (60) -- small , bottomQuadrant 8 (61) -- small , bottomQuadrant 9 (62) -- small , -- Letters Observed letter a (63) -- A letter b (64) -- B letter c (65) -- C letter d (66) -- D letter e (67) -- E letter f (68) -- F letter g (69) -- G letter h (70) -- H letter j (71) -- J letter k (72) -- K letter l (73) -- L letter n (74) -- N letter s (75) -- S -- Words Observed biohazard (76) -- biomedical material blastingAgent (77) -- Blasting Agent , combustible (78) -- Combustible corrosive (79) -- Corrosive danger (80) -- Danger , dangerous (81) -- Dangerous dangerousWhenWet (82) -- Dangerous When Wet , -- last two words can be much smaller font doNotEnter (83) -- Do Not Enter empty (84) -- Empty explosive (85) -- Explosive , explosiveA (86) -- Explosive , explosiveB (87) -- Explosive , explosiveC (88) -- Explosive , flammable (89) -- Flammable flammableGas (90) -- Flammable Gas flammableLiquid (91) -- Flammable Liquid flammableSolid (92) -- Flammable Solid fuelOil (93) -- Fuel Oil harmful (94) -- Harmful hazardousWaste (95) -- Hazardous Waste , infectiousSubstance (96) -- Infectious Substanc irritant (97) -- Irritant magnetizedMaterial (98) -- Magnetized Material -- (found in use for aircraft) nonFlammableGas (99) -- Non-Flammable Gas organicPeroxide (100) -- Organic Peroxide oRM D (101) -- ORM-D consumer commodity mark oxidizer (102) -- Oxidizer oxygen (103) -- Oxygen poison (104) -- Poison poisonGas (105) -- Poison Gas radioactive (106) -- Radioactive radioactiveI (107) -- Radioactive I , -- I = vertical red line radioactiveII (108) -- Radioactive II , -- II = two vertical red lines radioactiveIII (109) -- Radioactive III , -- III = three vertical red lines spontaneouslyCombustible (110) -- Spontaneously Combustible , -- first word can be much smaller font toxic (111) -- Toxic toxicGas (112) -- Toxic Gas notifyPublicHealthAuthority (113) -- In Case of Damage or Leakage Immediately -- Notify Public Health Authority noLoadAircraft (114) -- Do Not Load in Passenger Aircraft stowAwayFromFoodstuffs (115) -- Stow Away From Foodstuffs circleWithAircraftSilhouetteInside (116) -- air eligibility mark smallSquareOnPointDisplayingUNnumber (117) -- limited quantity ID # mark keepAwayFromHeat (118) -- NEW: Added in May 2005 revision -- see also the category type data element for other related -- textual labels and use that DE when appropriate </xs:appinfo> <xs:documentation> values to 127 reserved for std use values 128 to 255 reserved for local use </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt"> <xs:minInclusive value="1"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="118"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="squarOnPoint"/> <xs:enumeration value="squareSidesHorizontal"/> <xs:enumeration value="rectangleSidesHorizontal"/> <xs:enumeration value="sidesHorizontalNotSpecifying"/> <xs:enumeration value="squareNotSpecifying"/> <xs:enumeration value="damagedConditon"/> <xs:enumeration value="allRed"/> <xs:enumeration value="allOrange"/> <xs:enumeration value="allGreen"/> <xs:enumeration value="allYellow"/> <xs:enumeration value="allWhite"/> <xs:enumeration value="allBlue"/> <xs:enumeration value="topWhiteBottomRed"/> <xs:enumeration value="topYellowBottomWhite"/> <xs:enumeration value="topWhiteBottomBlack"/> <xs:enumeration value="orangeWithBlackGraphics"/> <xs:enumeration value="whiteWithBlackQuadrantOnTop"/> <xs:enumeration value="redAndWhiteVerticalStripesWithBlueQuadrantOnTop"/> <xs:enumeration value="redAndWhiteVerticalStripes"/> <xs:enumeration value="blackAndWhiteVerticalStripes"/> <xs:enumeration value="explosion"/> <xs:enumeration value="gasCylinder"/> <xs:enumeration value="flameFromAnOAboveBar"/> <xs:enumeration value="flameFrombar"/> <xs:enumeration value="flameNotSpecifying"/> <xs:enumeration value="skullAndCrossbones"/> <xs:enumeration value="threePincers"/> <xs:enumeration value="threeBladedPropeller"/> <xs:enumeration value="testTubePouringOnBar"/> <xs:enumeration value="compassAndMagnet"/> <xs:enumeration value="airplaneCargoPallet"/> <xs:enumeration value="cornWithX"/> <xs:enumeration value="fishWithX"/> <xs:enumeration value="wWithBar"/> <xs:enumeration value="exclamationPoint"/> <xs:enumeration value="topCenter 1 1"/> <xs:enumeration value="topCenter 1 2"/> <xs:enumeration value="topCenter 1 3"/> <xs:enumeration value="topCenter 1 4"/> <xs:enumeration value="top center 1 5"/> <xs:enumeration value="top center 1 6"/> <xs:enumeration value="topCenterUnspecNumber"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 1"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 2"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 3"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 4"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 5 1"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 5 2"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 6"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 7"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 8"/> <xs:enumeration value="bottomQuadrant 9"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter a"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter b"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter c"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter d"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter e"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter f"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter g"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter h"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter j"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter k"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter l"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter n"/> <xs:enumeration value="letter s"/> <xs:enumeration value="biohazard"/> <xs:enumeration value="blastingAgent"/> <xs:enumeration value="combustible"/> <xs:enumeration value="corrosive"/> <xs:enumeration value="danger"/> <xs:enumeration value="dangerous"/> <xs:enumeration value="dangerousWhenWet"/> <xs:enumeration value="doNotEnter"/> <xs:enumeration value="empty"/> <xs:enumeration value="explosive"/> <xs:enumeration value="explosiveA"/> <xs:enumeration value="explosiveB"/> <xs:enumeration value="explosiveC"/> <xs:enumeration value="flammable"/> <xs:enumeration value="flammableGas"/> <xs:enumeration value="flammableLiquid"/> <xs:enumeration value="flammableSolid"/> <xs:enumeration value="fuelOil"/> <xs:enumeration value="harmful"/> <xs:enumeration value="hazardousWaste"/> <xs:enumeration value="infectiousSubstance"/> <xs:enumeration value="irritant"/> <xs:enumeration value="magnetizedMaterial"/> <xs:enumeration value="nonFlammableGas"/> <xs:enumeration value="organicPeroxide"/> <xs:enumeration value="oRM D"/> <xs:enumeration value="oxidizer"/> <xs:enumeration value="oxygen"/> <xs:enumeration value="poison"/> <xs:enumeration value="poisonGas"/> <xs:enumeration value="radioactive"/> <xs:enumeration value="radioactiveI"/> <xs:enumeration value="radioactiveII"/> <xs:enumeration value="radioactiveIII"/> <xs:enumeration value="spontaneouslyCombustible"/> <xs:enumeration value="toxic"/> <xs:enumeration value="toxicGas"/> <xs:enumeration value="notifyPublicHealthAuthority"/> <xs:enumeration value="noLoadAircraft"/> <xs:enumeration value="stowAwayFromFoodstuffs"/> <xs:enumeration value="circleWithAircraftSilhouetteInside"/> <xs:enumeration value="smallSquareOnPointDisplayingUNnumber"/> <xs:enumeration value="keepAwayFromHeat"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> |