simpleType ntcip:EssCloudSituation
namespace http://www.NTCIP-Partial-00-00-00
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string)
used by
element atis:WeatherInformation/cloudPercent

            overcast (1)
            cloudy (2)
            partlyCloudy (3)
            mostlyClear (4)
            clear (5)
<Definition> Describes the amount of cloud cover.  The associated percentages of cloud cover are indicated to identify the differences between the defined values.  Defined values are: Value  Meaning  Percent Cloud Cover 1   Overcast  100 % 2   Mostly cloudy   62.5 % - 99 % 3   Partly cloudy   37.5 % - 62.4 % 4   Mostly sunny  1 % - 37.4 % 5   Clear skies  0 %</Definition>
source <xs:simpleType name="EssCloudSituation">
            overcast (1)
            cloudy (2)
            partlyCloudy (3)
            mostlyClear (4)
            clear (5)
<Definition> Describes the amount of cloud cover.  The associated percentages of cloud cover are indicated to identify the differences between the defined values.  Defined values are: Value  Meaning  Percent Cloud Cover 1   Overcast  100 % 2   Mostly cloudy   62.5 % - 99 % 3   Partly cloudy   37.5 % - 62.4 % 4   Mostly sunny  1 % - 37.4 % 5   Clear skies  0 %</Definition>
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="5"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="overcast"/>
<xs:enumeration value="cloudy"/>
<xs:enumeration value="partlyCloudy"/>
<xs:enumeration value="mostlyClear"/>
<xs:enumeration value="clear"/>

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