simpleType atis:Time
namespace http://www.ATIS-Draft-03-00-79
type restriction of xs:string
used by
elements atis:TimeSchedule/arriveTime atis:TimeSchedule/departTime atis:WeatherInformation/sunriseTime atis:WeatherInformation/sunsetTime
minLength 6
maxLength 10
            Format:  HHMMSSssss
            Valid times using 24 hour notation.
            HH=00 through 23; MM=00 through 59;
            SS=00 through 59; 00 if NA
            ssss=0000 through 9999.
            Use SS= 60 for leap seconds
            HH represents hours,  MM minutes,  SS seconds,
            and ssss decimal seconds to whatever number
            of significant digits is required  (up to four)
source <xs:simpleType name="Time">
            Format:  HHMMSSssss
            Valid times using 24 hour notation.
            HH=00 through 23; MM=00 through 59;
            SS=00 through 59; 00 if NA
            ssss=0000 through 9999.
            Use SS= 60 for leap seconds
            HH represents hours,  MM minutes,  SS seconds,
            and ssss decimal seconds to whatever number
            of significant digits is required  (up to four)
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="6"/>
<xs:maxLength value="10"/>

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