simpleType atis:Price-DayType
namespace http://www.ATIS-Draft-03-00-79
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string, Price-DayType)
used by
element atis:PriceScheduleEntry/price-DayType

            holiday (0)
            sunday (1)
            monday (2)
            tuesday (3)
            wednesday (4)
            thursday (5)
            friday (6)
            saturday (7)
            all (8)
            mondayToFriday (9)
            mondayToFridayExceptHolidays (10)
            weekend (11)
            mondayToThursday (12)
            unknown (255)
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 254 reserved for local use
source <xs:simpleType name="Price-DayType">
            holiday (0)
            sunday (1)
            monday (2)
            tuesday (3)
            wednesday (4)
            thursday (5)
            friday (6)
            saturday (7)
            all (8)
            mondayToFriday (9)
            mondayToFridayExceptHolidays (10)
            weekend (11)
            mondayToThursday (12)
            unknown (255)
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 254 reserved for local use
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="255"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="holiday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sunday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="monday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tuesday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="wednesday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="thursday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="friday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="saturday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="all"/>
<xs:enumeration value="mondayToFriday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="mondayToFridayExceptHolidays"/>
<xs:enumeration value="weekend"/>
<xs:enumeration value="mondayToThursday"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unknown"/>
<xs:restriction base="local:Price-DayType"/>

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