simpleType tcip:IM-VehicleInvolvedType
namespace http://www.TCIP-Adopted-03-00-01
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string, restriction of xs:unsignedInt, IM-VehicleInvolvedType)
used by
element tcip:IMOtherVehicleInvolved/veh-type

            ptv (1) -- Public transit vehicle
            train (2) -- Train
            auto (3) -- Automobile
            truck (4) -- Truck
            motorbike (5) -- Motorbike
            bike (6) -- Bicycle
            farm vehicle (7)
            private bus (8)
            school bus (9)
            van (10)
            police vehicle (11)
            ambulance (12)
            fire truck (13)
            fire dept other (14)
            construction vehicle (15)
            light rail vehicle (16)
            subway vehicle (17)
            commuter train (18)
            passenger train (19)
            freight train (20) -- 21-127 Reserved for standard codes
             -- 128-255 Reserved for Local Use
source <xs:simpleType name="IM-VehicleInvolvedType">
            ptv (1) -- Public transit vehicle
            train (2) -- Train
            auto (3) -- Automobile
            truck (4) -- Truck
            motorbike (5) -- Motorbike
            bike (6) -- Bicycle
            farm vehicle (7)
            private bus (8)
            school bus (9)
            van (10)
            police vehicle (11)
            ambulance (12)
            fire truck (13)
            fire dept other (14)
            construction vehicle (15)
            light rail vehicle (16)
            subway vehicle (17)
            commuter train (18)
            passenger train (19)
            freight train (20) -- 21-127 Reserved for standard codes
             -- 128-255 Reserved for Local Use
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="20"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="ptv"/>
<xs:enumeration value="train"/>
<xs:enumeration value="auto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="truck"/>
<xs:enumeration value="motorbike"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bike"/>
<xs:enumeration value="farm vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="private bus"/>
<xs:enumeration value="school bus"/>
<xs:enumeration value="van"/>
<xs:enumeration value="police vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ambulance"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fire truck"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fire dept other"/>
<xs:enumeration value="construction vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="light rail vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="subway vehicle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="commuter train"/>
<xs:enumeration value="passenger train"/>
<xs:enumeration value="freight train"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="128"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="255"/>
<xs:restriction base="local:IM-VehicleInvolvedType"/>

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