simpleType tcip:FC-FinancialTransactionType
namespace http://www.TCIP-Adopted-03-00-01
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string, restriction of xs:unsignedInt, FC-FinancialTransactionType)
used by
element tcip:FCTransactionRecord/trans-type

            money received (1) -- Money received
            money dispensed (2) -- Money dispensed
            electronic credit (3) -- Electronic - credit
            electronic debit (4) -- Electronic - debit
            sc payment (5) -- Smart card payment
            combo (6) -- Combo  (split payment)
            transit check (7) -- Transit check
            smart card object (8) -- download a smartcard object record.
            Alight record (9) -- download an alighting record.
            Token received (10) -- record payment by token (s)
            pass used (11)
            sc add value (12)
            transfer issued (13)
            transfer accepted (14)
            sc sold (15)
            ticket sold (16)
            mag card sold (17)
            pass sold (18)
            token sold (19) -- 20-127 reserved
             -- 128-255 local use
source <xs:simpleType name="FC-FinancialTransactionType">
            money received (1) -- Money received
            money dispensed (2) -- Money dispensed
            electronic credit (3) -- Electronic - credit
            electronic debit (4) -- Electronic - debit
            sc payment (5) -- Smart card payment
            combo (6) -- Combo  (split payment)
            transit check (7) -- Transit check
            smart card object (8) -- download a smartcard object record.
            Alight record (9) -- download an alighting record.
            Token received (10) -- record payment by token (s)
            pass used (11)
            sc add value (12)
            transfer issued (13)
            transfer accepted (14)
            sc sold (15)
            ticket sold (16)
            mag card sold (17)
            pass sold (18)
            token sold (19) -- 20-127 reserved
             -- 128-255 local use
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="19"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="money received"/>
<xs:enumeration value="money dispensed"/>
<xs:enumeration value="electronic credit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="electronic debit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sc payment"/>
<xs:enumeration value="combo"/>
<xs:enumeration value="transit check"/>
<xs:enumeration value="smart card object"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Alight record"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Token received"/>
<xs:enumeration value="pass used"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sc add value"/>
<xs:enumeration value="transfer issued"/>
<xs:enumeration value="transfer accepted"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sc sold"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ticket sold"/>
<xs:enumeration value="mag card sold"/>
<xs:enumeration value="pass sold"/>
<xs:enumeration value="token sold"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="128"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="255"/>
<xs:restriction base="local:FC-FinancialTransactionType"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by
XMLSpy Schema Editor