simpleType atis:Error-NotificationCode
namespace http://www.ATIS-Draft-03-00-79
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string, Error-NotificationCode)
used by
element atis:StatusBlock/code

            noMessagesToReport (0) -- used for perodic check-in events
            tripGuidanceNotification (1)
            maydayNotification (2)
            parkingNotification (3)
            directoryServicesNotification (4)
            userSettingsNotification (5)
            travelerInformationNotification (6)
            generalNotification (7)
            ispServices (8)
            officialNotification (9)
            contraintsCannotBeMet (64)
            unknownLocalization (65)
            unknownCode (66)
            invalidIdentity (67)
            serviceUnavailable (68)
            informationUnavailable (69)
            informationRestricted (70)
            locationReferenceError (256) -- LRMS error  (values 256 to 511)
            locationReferenceAmbiguous (257)
            locationReferenceNotSupported (258)
            locationReferenceTranslated (259) -- the request profile was translated
             -- to another profile
            filterError (512) -- filter error  (values 512 to 767 are
             -- filter related)
            filterAgencyUnknown (513) -- a filter by agnency contsins an unknown
             -- agency name
            filterTypeNotSupported (514) -- filtering on the Basic type specified
             -- is not supported
            filterTypeUnknown (515) -- the Basic filter type specified was unknown
            filterSubTypeUnknown (516) -- the Basic filter SUB type specified
             -- was unknown
            filterExtensionUnknown (517) -- mis match between the local entensions
             -- which are supported
            filterDurationTooLong (518) -- the provided future time is beyond
             -- that supported
            filterIntervalTooShort (519) -- the rate of requested updates is
             -- too frequent for the data supplier
            filterIntervalSetToDefault (520) -- the update rate has been set to the
             -- rate suported by the ISPs defaut
            filterTimeNotSupported (521) -- filter by time is not supported
            filterComplexTimeNotSupported (522) -- filtering by complex time sets is
             -- not supported
            filterTimesTooComplex (523) -- complex time intevals was too complex
             -- to handle
            requestAccepted (768) -- request okay  (no errors)
            generalRouteWarning (769)
            invalidFormatForRequest (770)
            systemCurrentlyNotFunctional (771)
            furtherInformationByPhone (772) -- status block has phone number
            furtherInformationByWeb (773) -- further data element has link
            partialRoutesReturned (774) -- the routes returned matching criteria
             -- will be in the status blocl
            missingData (775) -- Unable to retrieve all or part of
             -- requested route from route provider
            noRoutesFound (776) -- No Routes Found matching your constraints
            restrictionedLinks (777) -- There are some restrictions on the
             -- selected links ewhich will be reported
            locationNotServedByTransit (778)
            couldNotIdentifyLocation (779)
            reservationsRequiredForTransit (780)
            transitTransferTimeVeryLong (781)
            transitTransferTimeVeryShort (782)
            congestionOrDelayPredicted (783)
            badWeatherPredicted (784)
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 255 reserved for local use
source <xs:simpleType name="Error-NotificationCode">
            noMessagesToReport (0) -- used for perodic check-in events
            tripGuidanceNotification (1)
            maydayNotification (2)
            parkingNotification (3)
            directoryServicesNotification (4)
            userSettingsNotification (5)
            travelerInformationNotification (6)
            generalNotification (7)
            ispServices (8)
            officialNotification (9)
            contraintsCannotBeMet (64)
            unknownLocalization (65)
            unknownCode (66)
            invalidIdentity (67)
            serviceUnavailable (68)
            informationUnavailable (69)
            informationRestricted (70)
            locationReferenceError (256) -- LRMS error  (values 256 to 511)
            locationReferenceAmbiguous (257)
            locationReferenceNotSupported (258)
            locationReferenceTranslated (259) -- the request profile was translated
             -- to another profile
            filterError (512) -- filter error  (values 512 to 767 are
             -- filter related)
            filterAgencyUnknown (513) -- a filter by agnency contsins an unknown
             -- agency name
            filterTypeNotSupported (514) -- filtering on the Basic type specified
             -- is not supported
            filterTypeUnknown (515) -- the Basic filter type specified was unknown
            filterSubTypeUnknown (516) -- the Basic filter SUB type specified
             -- was unknown
            filterExtensionUnknown (517) -- mis match between the local entensions
             -- which are supported
            filterDurationTooLong (518) -- the provided future time is beyond
             -- that supported
            filterIntervalTooShort (519) -- the rate of requested updates is
             -- too frequent for the data supplier
            filterIntervalSetToDefault (520) -- the update rate has been set to the
             -- rate suported by the ISPs defaut
            filterTimeNotSupported (521) -- filter by time is not supported
            filterComplexTimeNotSupported (522) -- filtering by complex time sets is
             -- not supported
            filterTimesTooComplex (523) -- complex time intevals was too complex
             -- to handle
            requestAccepted (768) -- request okay  (no errors)
            generalRouteWarning (769)
            invalidFormatForRequest (770)
            systemCurrentlyNotFunctional (771)
            furtherInformationByPhone (772) -- status block has phone number
            furtherInformationByWeb (773) -- further data element has link
            partialRoutesReturned (774) -- the routes returned matching criteria
             -- will be in the status blocl
            missingData (775) -- Unable to retrieve all or part of
             -- requested route from route provider
            noRoutesFound (776) -- No Routes Found matching your constraints
            restrictionedLinks (777) -- There are some restrictions on the
             -- selected links ewhich will be reported
            locationNotServedByTransit (778)
            couldNotIdentifyLocation (779)
            reservationsRequiredForTransit (780)
            transitTransferTimeVeryLong (781)
            transitTransferTimeVeryShort (782)
            congestionOrDelayPredicted (783)
            badWeatherPredicted (784)
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 255 reserved for local use
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="784"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="noMessagesToReport"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tripGuidanceNotification"/>
<xs:enumeration value="maydayNotification"/>
<xs:enumeration value="parkingNotification"/>
<xs:enumeration value="directoryServicesNotification"/>
<xs:enumeration value="userSettingsNotification"/>
<xs:enumeration value="travelerInformationNotification"/>
<xs:enumeration value="generalNotification"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ispServices"/>
<xs:enumeration value="officialNotification"/>
<xs:enumeration value="contraintsCannotBeMet"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unknownLocalization"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unknownCode"/>
<xs:enumeration value="invalidIdentity"/>
<xs:enumeration value="serviceUnavailable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="informationUnavailable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="informationRestricted"/>
<xs:enumeration value="locationReferenceError"/>
<xs:enumeration value="locationReferenceAmbiguous"/>
<xs:enumeration value="locationReferenceNotSupported"/>
<xs:enumeration value="locationReferenceTranslated"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterError"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterAgencyUnknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterTypeNotSupported"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterTypeUnknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterSubTypeUnknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterExtensionUnknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterDurationTooLong"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterIntervalTooShort"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterIntervalSetToDefault"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterTimeNotSupported"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterComplexTimeNotSupported"/>
<xs:enumeration value="filterTimesTooComplex"/>
<xs:enumeration value="requestAccepted"/>
<xs:enumeration value="generalRouteWarning"/>
<xs:enumeration value="invalidFormatForRequest"/>
<xs:enumeration value="systemCurrentlyNotFunctional"/>
<xs:enumeration value="furtherInformationByPhone"/>
<xs:enumeration value="furtherInformationByWeb"/>
<xs:enumeration value="partialRoutesReturned"/>
<xs:enumeration value="missingData"/>
<xs:enumeration value="noRoutesFound"/>
<xs:enumeration value="restrictionedLinks"/>
<xs:enumeration value="locationNotServedByTransit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="couldNotIdentifyLocation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="reservationsRequiredForTransit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="transitTransferTimeVeryLong"/>
<xs:enumeration value="transitTransferTimeVeryShort"/>
<xs:enumeration value="congestionOrDelayPredicted"/>
<xs:enumeration value="badWeatherPredicted"/>
<xs:restriction base="local:Error-NotificationCode"/>

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XMLSpy Schema Editor