simpleType CargoPackageType
namespace http://www.IM-Draft-03-00-44a
type union of (restriction of xs:unsignedInt, restriction of xs:string)
used by
elements CargoUnits/cargoUnitType/cargoUnitType-item Contents/packingType/packingType-item

            unknown (0) -- also used when free text in the using
             -- message has a description
             -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code UN
            none (2) -- no separate cargo unit involved
            aerosolCan (3) -- one or more
            automotiveTransporter (4) -- use for truck or trailer types
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code AC ,  "Auto Carrier"
            bobtailTank (5)
            bottlerBody (6) -- beverage carriers
             -- beverage rack trailer types as well
            boxCar (7) -- generic mixed cargo
            boxTrailer (8)
            bulkPackaging (9)
            cargoTank (10)
            chassisTrailer (11)
            compressedGasCylinder (12)
            compressedLiquefiedGases (13)
            container (14) -- generic containers  (not on wheels)
            corrosiveLiquidTank1 (15) -- MC-312 or DOT-412
            cryogenicLiquidTank2 (16) -- MC-338
            dromedaryTrailer (17) -- trailer portion of a dromedary tractor
            drum 1a1 (18) -- non Removeable Head ,
             -- use this entry when unable to determine type
             -- of drum  (metal ,  fiber ,  plastic ,  etc.
            drum 1a2 (19) -- Removeable Head
            dryBulkCargoTanker (20)
            earthenwareReceptacle (21)
            fiberboadBox (22)
            fiberboadBoxes (23)
            fiberDrumsNonRemoveableHead (24)
            fiberDrumsRemoveableHead (25)
            fiberPailsNonRemoveableHead (26)
            fiberPailsRemoveableHead (27)
            furnitureVanBody (28) -- drop style moving vans
            glassReceptacle (29)
            hCNtankcar (30) -- (Hydrogen Cyanide)  and DOT105a500
            highPressureTank (31) -- MC330 or MC-331
            hopperTrailer (32) -- use also for Dry Bulk
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HO
            horseVanBody (33) -- used for valuable saddle horses
             -- alternative term: horse trailer
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HE ,  "Horse"
            intermediateBulkContainer (34)
            intermediateBulkPackaging (35)
            interModalFreightContainer (36)
            interModalPortableTank (37)
            jerryCanMetal (38) -- 15 gal or less
            jerryCanPlastic (39) -- 15 gal or less ,
            largePackages (40)
            livestockTrailer (41) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LS ,  "Livestock Rack"
            logBody (42) -- also used for pole trailer types
            lowPressureChemicalTank (43) -- MC307 or DOT-407
            lowPressureTankCar (44) -- for various liquids
            metalBox (45)
            metalDrumsNonRemoveableHead (46)
            metalDrumsRemoveableHead (47)
            metalPailsNonRemoveableHead (48)
            metalPailsRemoveableHead (49)
            metalReceptacle (50)
            michiganTrailer (51) -- vehicle with a gross cap of 140 ,
            mixedCargoTrailer (52)
            nonpressureLiquidTank (53) -- MC306/DOT-406
            nursetank (54)
            plasticDrumsNonRemoveableHead (55)
            plasticDrumsRemoveableHead (56)
            plasticPailsNonRemoveableHead (57)
            plasticPailsRemoveableHead (58)
            plasticReceptacle (59)
            poleTrailer (60)
            portableTank (61)
            pressurizedTankCar (62)
            rrBoxCar (63)
            rrContainerOnFlatCar (64) -- also known as COTC
            rrFlatCar (65)
            rrTankCar (66)
            rrTrailerOnFlatCar (67) -- also known as TOFC
            stakeBodyTrailer (68) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code ST ,  "Stake or Rack"
            tankTrailer (69) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TN ,  "Tanker"
            tubeTrailer (70) -- use for types of compressed Gas
            unPortableTank (71)
            woodBox (72) -- one or more
            woodenBarrel (73) -- one or more
            bellyDumpTrailer (74)
            endDumpTrailer (75)
            hazmatCargoTankTrailer (76)
            sideDumpTrailer (77) -- Codes which follow were added in order to inset NCIC information.
             -- These codes at times conflict with each other.  Local agreements on
             -- how to suitably employ these codes  (esp when interfaced with another
             -- CAD system)  will be needed in most cases.
            autoTowDolly (78) -- Two-wheeled towing equipment.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TD
            auxiliaryDolly (79) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code DY
            boatTrailer (80) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code BT
            bulkAgricultureTrailer (81) -- Bulk transport of raw vegetable may have live
             -- floor ,  belt ,  or tip head.
             -- Note there is a bulkAgricultureTruck in
             -- in PowerUnitType ,  with the same NCIC code.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code BA
            cableReelTrailer (82) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code CL
            campingTrailer (83) -- Also known as camper or travel trailer.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CT
            converterGearTrailer (84) -- Single-axle unit the converts twin-axle tractor
             -- trucks into tri-axle.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CG
            flatbedOrPlatformTrailer (85) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code FB
            fullTrailer (86) -- Use if more detail unknown.
             -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code TL
            gondola (87) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code GA
            grainTrailer (88) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code GN
             -- Note there is a grainTruck in
             -- in PowerUnitType ,  with the same NCIC code.
            houseTrailer (89) -- Mobile home.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HS
            loggingPipeOrPoleTrailer (90) -- Also known as logging trailer; to transport logs or pipes.
             -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code LP
             -- Note there is a logTruck in
             -- PowerUnitType ,  NCIC Code = LG.
            lowboyOrLowbedTrailer (91) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LB
            motorcycleTrailer (92) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MT
            refrigeratedVan (93) -- Also known as reefer.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code RF
            semiTrailer (94) -- Use only when the specific body style of the
             -- semitrailer is unknown.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code SE
            serviceTrailer (95) -- (from D20 ,  not NCIC)
             -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code SR
            shippingContainer (96) -- classified as a "part" in NCIC
             -- equivalent to NCIC CAT Code SP
            singleWheelTrailer (97) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code 1W
            snowmobileTrailer (98) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code SM
             -- Note conflict:  D20 Snowmobile Trailer = SN
            tentTrailer (99) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TE
            towDollyAuto (100) -- Two-wheel towing equipment.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TD
            travelTrailer (101) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CT
            utilityTrailer (102) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code UT
            vanTrailer (103) -- Includes open or closed top box trailers.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code VN
            wagonTrailer (104) -- Also known as gondola ,  cart ,  container ,  or box trailer.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code GA
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 255 reserved for local use
source <xs:simpleType name="CargoPackageType">
            unknown (0) -- also used when free text in the using
             -- message has a description
             -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code UN
            none (2) -- no separate cargo unit involved
            aerosolCan (3) -- one or more
            automotiveTransporter (4) -- use for truck or trailer types
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code AC ,  &quot;Auto Carrier&quot;
            bobtailTank (5)
            bottlerBody (6) -- beverage carriers
             -- beverage rack trailer types as well
            boxCar (7) -- generic mixed cargo
            boxTrailer (8)
            bulkPackaging (9)
            cargoTank (10)
            chassisTrailer (11)
            compressedGasCylinder (12)
            compressedLiquefiedGases (13)
            container (14) -- generic containers  (not on wheels)
            corrosiveLiquidTank1 (15) -- MC-312 or DOT-412
            cryogenicLiquidTank2 (16) -- MC-338
            dromedaryTrailer (17) -- trailer portion of a dromedary tractor
            drum 1a1 (18) -- non Removeable Head ,
             -- use this entry when unable to determine type
             -- of drum  (metal ,  fiber ,  plastic ,  etc.
            drum 1a2 (19) -- Removeable Head
            dryBulkCargoTanker (20)
            earthenwareReceptacle (21)
            fiberboadBox (22)
            fiberboadBoxes (23)
            fiberDrumsNonRemoveableHead (24)
            fiberDrumsRemoveableHead (25)
            fiberPailsNonRemoveableHead (26)
            fiberPailsRemoveableHead (27)
            furnitureVanBody (28) -- drop style moving vans
            glassReceptacle (29)
            hCNtankcar (30) -- (Hydrogen Cyanide)  and DOT105a500
            highPressureTank (31) -- MC330 or MC-331
            hopperTrailer (32) -- use also for Dry Bulk
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HO
            horseVanBody (33) -- used for valuable saddle horses
             -- alternative term: horse trailer
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HE ,  &quot;Horse&quot;
            intermediateBulkContainer (34)
            intermediateBulkPackaging (35)
            interModalFreightContainer (36)
            interModalPortableTank (37)
            jerryCanMetal (38) -- 15 gal or less
            jerryCanPlastic (39) -- 15 gal or less ,
            largePackages (40)
            livestockTrailer (41) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LS ,  &quot;Livestock Rack&quot;
            logBody (42) -- also used for pole trailer types
            lowPressureChemicalTank (43) -- MC307 or DOT-407
            lowPressureTankCar (44) -- for various liquids
            metalBox (45)
            metalDrumsNonRemoveableHead (46)
            metalDrumsRemoveableHead (47)
            metalPailsNonRemoveableHead (48)
            metalPailsRemoveableHead (49)
            metalReceptacle (50)
            michiganTrailer (51) -- vehicle with a gross cap of 140 ,
            mixedCargoTrailer (52)
            nonpressureLiquidTank (53) -- MC306/DOT-406
            nursetank (54)
            plasticDrumsNonRemoveableHead (55)
            plasticDrumsRemoveableHead (56)
            plasticPailsNonRemoveableHead (57)
            plasticPailsRemoveableHead (58)
            plasticReceptacle (59)
            poleTrailer (60)
            portableTank (61)
            pressurizedTankCar (62)
            rrBoxCar (63)
            rrContainerOnFlatCar (64) -- also known as COTC
            rrFlatCar (65)
            rrTankCar (66)
            rrTrailerOnFlatCar (67) -- also known as TOFC
            stakeBodyTrailer (68) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code ST ,  &quot;Stake or Rack&quot;
            tankTrailer (69) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TN ,  &quot;Tanker&quot;
            tubeTrailer (70) -- use for types of compressed Gas
            unPortableTank (71)
            woodBox (72) -- one or more
            woodenBarrel (73) -- one or more
            bellyDumpTrailer (74)
            endDumpTrailer (75)
            hazmatCargoTankTrailer (76)
            sideDumpTrailer (77) -- Codes which follow were added in order to inset NCIC information.
             -- These codes at times conflict with each other.  Local agreements on
             -- how to suitably employ these codes  (esp when interfaced with another
             -- CAD system)  will be needed in most cases.
            autoTowDolly (78) -- Two-wheeled towing equipment.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TD
            auxiliaryDolly (79) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code DY
            boatTrailer (80) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code BT
            bulkAgricultureTrailer (81) -- Bulk transport of raw vegetable may have live
             -- floor ,  belt ,  or tip head.
             -- Note there is a bulkAgricultureTruck in
             -- in PowerUnitType ,  with the same NCIC code.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code BA
            cableReelTrailer (82) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code CL
            campingTrailer (83) -- Also known as camper or travel trailer.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CT
            converterGearTrailer (84) -- Single-axle unit the converts twin-axle tractor
             -- trucks into tri-axle.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CG
            flatbedOrPlatformTrailer (85) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code FB
            fullTrailer (86) -- Use if more detail unknown.
             -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code TL
            gondola (87) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code GA
            grainTrailer (88) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code GN
             -- Note there is a grainTruck in
             -- in PowerUnitType ,  with the same NCIC code.
            houseTrailer (89) -- Mobile home.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code HS
            loggingPipeOrPoleTrailer (90) -- Also known as logging trailer; to transport logs or pipes.
             -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code LP
             -- Note there is a logTruck in
             -- PowerUnitType ,  NCIC Code = LG.
            lowboyOrLowbedTrailer (91) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code LB
            motorcycleTrailer (92) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code MT
            refrigeratedVan (93) -- Also known as reefer.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code RF
            semiTrailer (94) -- Use only when the specific body style of the
             -- semitrailer is unknown.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code SE
            serviceTrailer (95) -- (from D20 ,  not NCIC)
             -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code SR
            shippingContainer (96) -- classified as a &quot;part&quot; in NCIC
             -- equivalent to NCIC CAT Code SP
            singleWheelTrailer (97) -- equivalent to D20 Vehicle Body Type Code 1W
            snowmobileTrailer (98) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code SM
             -- Note conflict:  D20 Snowmobile Trailer = SN
            tentTrailer (99) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TE
            towDollyAuto (100) -- Two-wheel towing equipment.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code TD
            travelTrailer (101) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code CT
            utilityTrailer (102) -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code UT
            vanTrailer (103) -- Includes open or closed top box trailers.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code VN
            wagonTrailer (104) -- Also known as gondola ,  cart ,  container ,  or box trailer.
             -- equivalent to NCIC VST Code GA
            values to 127 reserved for std use
            values 128 to 255 reserved for local use
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="104"/>
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="none"/>
<xs:enumeration value="aerosolCan"/>
<xs:enumeration value="automotiveTransporter"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bobtailTank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bottlerBody"/>
<xs:enumeration value="boxCar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="boxTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bulkPackaging"/>
<xs:enumeration value="cargoTank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="chassisTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="compressedGasCylinder"/>
<xs:enumeration value="compressedLiquefiedGases"/>
<xs:enumeration value="container"/>
<xs:enumeration value="corrosiveLiquidTank1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="cryogenicLiquidTank2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="dromedaryTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="drum 1a1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="drum 1a2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="dryBulkCargoTanker"/>
<xs:enumeration value="earthenwareReceptacle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fiberboadBox"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fiberboadBoxes"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fiberDrumsNonRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fiberDrumsRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fiberPailsNonRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fiberPailsRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="furnitureVanBody"/>
<xs:enumeration value="glassReceptacle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hCNtankcar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="highPressureTank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hopperTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="horseVanBody"/>
<xs:enumeration value="intermediateBulkContainer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="intermediateBulkPackaging"/>
<xs:enumeration value="interModalFreightContainer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="interModalPortableTank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="jerryCanMetal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="jerryCanPlastic"/>
<xs:enumeration value="largePackages"/>
<xs:enumeration value="livestockTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="logBody"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lowPressureChemicalTank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lowPressureTankCar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="metalBox"/>
<xs:enumeration value="metalDrumsNonRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="metalDrumsRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="metalPailsNonRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="metalPailsRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="metalReceptacle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="michiganTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="mixedCargoTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="nonpressureLiquidTank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="nursetank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plasticDrumsNonRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plasticDrumsRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plasticPailsNonRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plasticPailsRemoveableHead"/>
<xs:enumeration value="plasticReceptacle"/>
<xs:enumeration value="poleTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="portableTank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="pressurizedTankCar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="rrBoxCar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="rrContainerOnFlatCar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="rrFlatCar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="rrTankCar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="rrTrailerOnFlatCar"/>
<xs:enumeration value="stakeBodyTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tankTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tubeTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="unPortableTank"/>
<xs:enumeration value="woodBox"/>
<xs:enumeration value="woodenBarrel"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bellyDumpTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="endDumpTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hazmatCargoTankTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sideDumpTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="autoTowDolly"/>
<xs:enumeration value="auxiliaryDolly"/>
<xs:enumeration value="boatTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bulkAgricultureTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="cableReelTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="campingTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="converterGearTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="flatbedOrPlatformTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fullTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="gondola"/>
<xs:enumeration value="grainTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="houseTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="loggingPipeOrPoleTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lowboyOrLowbedTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="motorcycleTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="refrigeratedVan"/>
<xs:enumeration value="semiTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="serviceTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="shippingContainer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="singleWheelTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="snowmobileTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tentTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="towDollyAuto"/>
<xs:enumeration value="travelTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="utilityTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="vanTrailer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="wagonTrailer"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by
XMLSpy Schema Editor