Documentation for ATIS-Draft-03-00-79

Simple Type: IM-IncidentDistribution

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name IM-IncidentDistribution
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type IMIncident
  • Union of following types:
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: unsignedInt
      • 1 <= value <= 24
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'internal only'|'transit agency'|'county police'|'state police'|'all police'|'medical'|'fire'|'other transit'|'isps'|'news media'|'city police'|'federal law enf'|'local police'|'ambulance units'|'rescue units'|'fire units'|'hazmat units'|'light tow unit'|'heavy tow unit'|'freeway service patrol'|'state dot'|'county dot'|'city dot'|'transit maintenance'}
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: unsignedInt
      • 128 <= value <= 255
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'insert-local-values-here'}
Application Data internal only (1) -- only within the agency transit agency (2) -- within agency , county police (3) state police (4) all police (5) medical (6) fire (7) other transit (8) -- other transit agencies isps (9) news media (10) city police (11) federal law enf (12) local police (13) ambulance units (14) rescue units (15) fire units (16) hazmat units (17) light tow unit (18) heavy tow unit (19) freeway service patrol (20) state dot (21) county dot (22) city dot (23) transit maintenance (24)
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="IM-IncidentDistribution">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:unsignedInt ">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="24"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="internal only"/>
<xs:enumeration value="transit agency"/>
<xs:enumeration value="county police"/>
<xs:enumeration value="state police"/>
<xs:enumeration value="all police"/>
<xs:enumeration value="medical"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fire"/>
<xs:enumeration value="other transit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="isps"/>
<xs:enumeration value="news media"/>
<xs:enumeration value="city police"/>
<xs:enumeration value="federal law enf"/>
<xs:enumeration value="local police"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ambulance units"/>
<xs:enumeration value="rescue units"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fire units"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hazmat units"/>
<xs:enumeration value="light tow unit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="heavy tow unit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="freeway service patrol"/>
<xs:enumeration value="state dot"/>
<xs:enumeration value="county dot"/>
<xs:enumeration value="city dot"/>
<xs:enumeration value="transit maintenance"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:unsignedInt ">
<xs:minInclusive value="128"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="255"/>
<xs:restriction base=" local:IM-IncidentDistribution "/>