Documentation for ATIS-Draft-03-00-79

Simple Type: AlternateRoute

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name AlternateRoute
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type ITISEventType
  • Union of following types:
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: unsignedInt
      • 8448 <= value <= 8703
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'detour where possible'|'no detour available'|'follow signs'|'follow detour signs'|'follow special detour markers'|'do not follow detour signs'|'detour in operation'|'follow local detour'|'compulsory detour in operation'|'no suitable detour available'|'detour is no longer recommended'|'local drivers are recommended to avoid the area'|'trucks are recommended to avoid the area'|'consider alternate route'|'consider alternate parking'|'consider alternate destination'|'consider alternate area'}
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • pattern = \[.+\].*
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'insert-local-values-here'}
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="AlternateRoute">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:unsignedInt ">
<xs:minInclusive value="8448"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="8703"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="detour where possible" id="_8449"/>
<xs:enumeration value="no detour available" id="_8450"/>
<xs:enumeration value="follow signs" id="_8451"/>
<xs:enumeration value="follow detour signs" id="_8452"/>
<xs:enumeration value="follow special detour markers" id="_8453"/>
<xs:enumeration value="do not follow detour signs" id="_8454"/>
<xs:enumeration value="detour in operation" id="_8455"/>
<xs:enumeration value="follow local detour" id="_8456"/>
<xs:enumeration value="compulsory detour in operation" id="_8457"/>
<xs:enumeration value="no suitable detour available" id="_8458"/>
<xs:enumeration value="detour is no longer recommended" id="_8459"/>
<xs:enumeration value="local drivers are recommended to avoid the area" id="_8460"/>
<xs:enumeration value="trucks are recommended to avoid the area" id="_8461"/>
<xs:enumeration value="consider alternate route" id="_8462"/>
<xs:enumeration value="consider alternate parking" id="_8463"/>
<xs:enumeration value="consider alternate destination" id="_8464"/>
<xs:enumeration value="consider alternate area" id="_8465"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:pattern value="\[.+\].*"/>
<xs:restriction base=" local:AlternateRoute "/>