Documentation for ATIS-Draft-03-00-79

Simple Type: SpecialEvents

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name SpecialEvents
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type ITISEventType
  • Union of following types:
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: unsignedInt
      • 3840 <= value <= 4095
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'major event'|'airshow'|'hot air ballooning'|'concert'|'state occasion'|'vIP visit'|'show'|'festival'|'exhibition'|'performing arts'|'outdoor market'|'fair'|'carnival'|'fireworks display'|'trade expo'|'movie filming'|'presidential visit'|'parade'|'procession'|'funeral procession'|'crowd'|'holiday traffic crowds'|'event ended'}
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • pattern = \[.+\].*
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'insert-local-values-here'}
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="SpecialEvents">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:unsignedInt ">
<xs:minInclusive value="3840"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="4095"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="major event" id="_3841"/>
<xs:enumeration value="airshow" id="_3842"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hot air ballooning" id="_3843"/>
<xs:enumeration value="concert" id="_3844"/>
<xs:enumeration value="state occasion" id="_3845"/>
<xs:enumeration value="vIP visit" id="_3846"/>
<xs:enumeration value="show" id="_3847"/>
<xs:enumeration value="festival" id="_3848"/>
<xs:enumeration value="exhibition" id="_3849"/>
<xs:enumeration value="performing arts" id="_3850"/>
<xs:enumeration value="outdoor market" id="_3851"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fair" id="_3852"/>
<xs:enumeration value="carnival" id="_3853"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fireworks display" id="_3854"/>
<xs:enumeration value="trade expo" id="_3855"/>
<xs:enumeration value="movie filming" id="_3856"/>
<xs:enumeration value="presidential visit" id="_3857"/>
<xs:enumeration value="parade" id="_3858"/>
<xs:enumeration value="procession" id="_3859"/>
<xs:enumeration value="funeral procession" id="_3860"/>
<xs:enumeration value="crowd" id="_3861"/>
<xs:enumeration value="holiday traffic crowds" id="_3862"/>
<xs:enumeration value="event ended" id="_3967"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:pattern value="\[.+\].*"/>
<xs:restriction base=" local:SpecialEvents "/>