Documentation for ATIS-Draft-03-00-79

Simple Type: SportingEvents

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name SportingEvents
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type ITISEventType
  • Union of following types:
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: unsignedInt
      • 3584 <= value <= 3839
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'sports event'|'game'|'tournament'|'track and field event'|'baseball game'|'basketball game'|'boxing match'|'football game'|'soccer game'|'golf tournament'|'hockey game'|'tennis tournament'|'wrestling match'|'road race'|'automobile race'|'bicycle race'|'race event'|'marathon'|'horse show'|'rodeo'|'water sports event'|'winter sports event'|'skating event'|'dog sled race'|'sporting event ended'}
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • pattern = \[.+\].*
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'insert-local-values-here'}
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="SportingEvents">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:unsignedInt ">
<xs:minInclusive value="3584"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="3839"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="sports event" id="_3585"/>
<xs:enumeration value="game" id="_3586"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tournament" id="_3587"/>
<xs:enumeration value="track and field event" id="_3588"/>
<xs:enumeration value="baseball game" id="_3589"/>
<xs:enumeration value="basketball game" id="_3590"/>
<xs:enumeration value="boxing match" id="_3591"/>
<xs:enumeration value="football game" id="_3592"/>
<xs:enumeration value="soccer game" id="_3593"/>
<xs:enumeration value="golf tournament" id="_3594"/>
<xs:enumeration value="hockey game" id="_3595"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tennis tournament" id="_3596"/>
<xs:enumeration value="wrestling match" id="_3597"/>
<xs:enumeration value="road race" id="_3598"/>
<xs:enumeration value="automobile race" id="_3599"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bicycle race" id="_3600"/>
<xs:enumeration value="race event" id="_3601"/>
<xs:enumeration value="marathon" id="_3602"/>
<xs:enumeration value="horse show" id="_3603"/>
<xs:enumeration value="rodeo" id="_3604"/>
<xs:enumeration value="water sports event" id="_3605"/>
<xs:enumeration value="winter sports event" id="_3606"/>
<xs:enumeration value="skating event" id="_3607"/>
<xs:enumeration value="dog sled race" id="_3608"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sporting event ended" id="_3711"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:pattern value="\[.+\].*"/>
<xs:restriction base=" local:SportingEvents "/>