Documentation for ATIS-Draft-03-00-79

Simple Type: DeviceStatus

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name DeviceStatus
Used by (from the same schema document) Complex Type ITISEventType
  • Union of following types:
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: unsignedInt
      • 2304 <= value <= 2559
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'lane control signs not working'|'lane control signs working incorrectly'|'lane control signs operating'|'variable message signs not working'|'variable message signs working incorrectly'|'variable message signs operating'|'emergency telephones not working'|'emergency telephone number not working'|'traffic lights not working'|'traffic lights working incorrectly'|'ramp control signals not working'|'ramp control signals working incorrectly'|'temporary traffic lights not working'|'temporary traffic lights working incorrectly'|'traffic signal control computer not working'|'traffic signal timings changed'|'overheight warning system triggered'|'equipment failure'|'railroad crossing equipment failure'|'tunnel ventilation not working'|'power failure'|'widespread power outages'|'technical problems'|'sign down'|'lines in road faded'|'damaged light standard'|'traffic signal stuck on flash'|'guide rail'|'fencing'|'light standard hanging by wires'|'call box'|'signal cabinet'|'detector'|'improper use of State vehicle or equipment'|'bulb out'|'not yet operational'|'not yet installed'|'electronic signs repaired'|'emergency call facilities restored'|'traffic signals repaired'|'railroad crossing equipment now working normally'}
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • pattern = \[.+\].*
    • Locally defined type:
      • Base XSD Type: string
      • value comes from list: {'insert-local-values-here'}
Schema Component Representation
<xs:simpleType name="DeviceStatus">
<xs:restriction base=" xs:unsignedInt ">
<xs:minInclusive value="2304"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="2559"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:enumeration value="lane control signs not working" id="_2305"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lane control signs working incorrectly" id="_2306"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lane control signs operating" id="_2307"/>
<xs:enumeration value="variable message signs not working" id="_2308"/>
<xs:enumeration value="variable message signs working incorrectly" id="_2309"/>
<xs:enumeration value="variable message signs operating" id="_2310"/>
<xs:enumeration value="emergency telephones not working" id="_2311"/>
<xs:enumeration value="emergency telephone number not working" id="_2312"/>
<xs:enumeration value="traffic lights not working" id="_2313"/>
<xs:enumeration value="traffic lights working incorrectly" id="_2314"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ramp control signals not working" id="_2315"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ramp control signals working incorrectly" id="_2316"/>
<xs:enumeration value="temporary traffic lights not working" id="_2317"/>
<xs:enumeration value="temporary traffic lights working incorrectly" id="_2318"/>
<xs:enumeration value="traffic signal control computer not working" id="_2319"/>
<xs:enumeration value="traffic signal timings changed" id="_2320"/>
<xs:enumeration value="overheight warning system triggered" id="_2321"/>
<xs:enumeration value="equipment failure" id="_2322"/>
<xs:enumeration value="railroad crossing equipment failure" id="_2323"/>
<xs:enumeration value="tunnel ventilation not working" id="_2324"/>
<xs:enumeration value="power failure" id="_2325"/>
<xs:enumeration value="widespread power outages" id="_2326"/>
<xs:enumeration value="technical problems" id="_2327"/>
<xs:enumeration value="sign down" id="_2328"/>
<xs:enumeration value="lines in road faded" id="_2329"/>
<xs:enumeration value="damaged light standard" id="_2330"/>
<xs:enumeration value="traffic signal stuck on flash" id="_2331"/>
<xs:enumeration value="guide rail" id="_2332"/>
<xs:enumeration value="fencing" id="_2333"/>
<xs:enumeration value="light standard hanging by wires" id="_2334"/>
<xs:enumeration value="call box" id="_2335"/>
<xs:enumeration value="signal cabinet" id="_2336"/>
<xs:enumeration value="detector" id="_2337"/>
<xs:enumeration value="improper use of State vehicle or equipment" id="_2338"/>
<xs:enumeration value="bulb out" id="_2339"/>
<xs:enumeration value="not yet operational" id="_2340"/>
<xs:enumeration value="not yet installed" id="_2341"/>
<xs:enumeration value="electronic signs repaired" id="_2428"/>
<xs:enumeration value="emergency call facilities restored" id="_2429"/>
<xs:enumeration value="traffic signals repaired" id="_2430"/>
<xs:enumeration value="railroad crossing equipment now working normally" id="_2431"/>
<xs:restriction base=" xs:string ">
<xs:pattern value="\[.+\].*"/>
<xs:restriction base=" local:DeviceStatus "/>